“14 january 2018”


(less than 20 degrees in NYC)

(too cold to go outside for very long)

(i gave up on busking saturday night when i found 5 slices of pizza in an “il porto” box outside the “prospect park” N Q subway station)

(ate 5 slices and fell asleep before midnight)
(it was too cold outside)
(no money for drugs)

(woke up before noon)

(felt great)
(from friday’s DHP + cannabis binge)
(but didn’t do any drugs saturday)
(save a few hits of tobacco from the one-hitter)

(but i busked @ “7th avenue station” starting at 7:30pm)
(and recorded a version of “souls 4 hire”)
(and made $15.50)

(picked up 600mg DHP @ ‘duane reade’)
(they sell 150 tacks for $4.59)
(same price as the 24-pack of DHP)
(but i didn’t buy a pack)
(still good to know)
(i couldn’t find posterboard there)
(how much does that cost?)

($6.04 for large pepperoni pizza @ 7/11)
($1 for 3 corn muffins @ “rite-aid”)

($3.50 for 2 “natty daddys”)
(75 cents for 1 newport cigarette)
(although i only had 58 cents)

(dosed on DHP before midnight and got off on a few blogging / lyric stream tangents)

(til i finally downed the beers and posted “souls 4 hire” to instagram)
(then passed out until sometime before 11AM)


