





















(building up ‘sexual tension’ with no ‘resolution’)
(no “grand finale” in sight…)

“so se was on my lap…”
(A: “yea and…?”)

“i came closer…”
(A: “yea and then…?”)

“i came even closer…”
(A: “yea and then…?”)

(“i finally came…”)

(…immediately followed by a collective semi-sympathetic and semi–sarcastic sigh)


(i gravitate towards the most extreme ‘may-december’ fantasies)

(as in “impotent old man sucking on giant white tits”)

(seems to be a ‘british slant’ in many of these ‘literotica storylines’)

(just throgh their ‘spelling’ and use of ‘brit-centric’ phrases)
(‘mum’ / ‘bloody’ / ‘shag’)

(a few ‘reader observations’ that will (almost always) give away a ‘brit’)

(rather than ‘american’)

(not accounting for american (or ‘international’) ‘anglophiles’)

(from 1776 ‘declaration of independnce’ through to the ‘beatlemania 1960s’, americans grew fonder of ‘british culture’)

(like their sitcoms)
(“all in the family” was based on british sitcom)
(as was ‘the office’)
(and ‘shameless’)

(are the ‘may-december fetish episodes’ written by ‘attractive young women’?)

(or ‘plain janes’?)

(or old men?)

(or young men like me?)

(i probably have much in common with ‘mario salieri’)

(u assyne ‘female’ because most of those stories are written fro a female perspective)

(our ‘3rd part narrator’)

(hardly ever from the persepective of a ‘dirty old man’)

(‘cept he seems to be ‘happily married’ to fellow italian porn directory ‘jenny forte’)

(remember larnald’s intent to write a ‘literotica’ in which the story is all ‘anticipation’ and no ‘physical contact’)

(this is also a reflection of his (lack of anything resembling a ‘work ethic’!)

(“i’m still waiting”!)

“couldn’t even finish a bowl…of cereal…”

“all hung up again…”



👈👈👈☜*“FANTASIA”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥