“may 2016” – (‘2nd princeton trespassing incident’)

(caught ‘trespassing’ on ‘princeton university campus’)
(i was 31 years old)

(i had just been cutting across the south lawn as a faster route to ‘wawa’ (at the ‘princeton train station’) on a saturday morning!)

(some hispanic lady bulldyke recognized me on her golf cart and called to me “joe!”)
(that fucking irritated me!)
(the way she said it)

(she had been present during one instance in ‘april 2016’ when i was written up by a ‘princeton campus officer’ for doing nothing more than playing guitar and singing outside ‘frist campus center’ on a saturday night as thousands of college students were screaming their lungs out around me!)

(and the mere fact that i’d been banned before gave him the ‘right’ to ban me for 90 days again even though the previous 90 days i’d followed the ban and stayed away)

(so he just made up a ‘noise complaint’ and banned me another 90 days)

(when i protested, he threatened to call the princeton cops and arrest me on some ‘disorderly conduct’ charge because he could ‘smell the alcohol on my breath’ – i’d had a beer or two give nto me by UNDERAGE STUDENTS WHO WERE DRINKING IN THE OPEN IN FRONT OF THEM!)

(oh well…another chance at reliving my college days cut short…)

(so i saw how people get sucked into the “cycle of criminality + incarceration”)

(when i assured her i was just heading to ‘wawa’ and she persisted in telling me to ‘go with her’ i fled the scene)
(even though she threatened me saying “if you run 5 officers will tackle you to the ground”)

“MAY 2016”

(‘tess’ got kicked out of her parents house)
(so i ended up back in princeton)
(a repentent jon took me back in)
(he snuck up on me one afternoon at the lewis library)
(i wasn’t supposed to be there anyway)
(i was taking a risk just to use their macs)
(and extended hours)
(i had even once hooked up with one of the first floor front desk girls)
(lauren tociu)
(sometime in spring 2013)
(“springtime for everest”)

(i was vulnerable at that point just for being in proximity with jon)
(because perhaps the lawrence cops could claim that since he had filed original as yet technically “unresolved” simple assault charges on me that i had been ordered to avoid all contact with “alleged victim”?  that was probably somewhere in the piles of paperwork after 3 days in mercer county jail.  released on a wednesday afternoon into the middle of a trenton ghetto.  i think i had a bus pass on me.  so i took a 606 bus back into princeton.
(but he let me crash there in late may 2016)
(he also showed up at my third and final appearance at lawrence county in the parking lot)
(he had taken up skateboarding and again mistaking himself for the “jesus” in his own schizo-internal narrative)

(jon witnessed the entire affair…if it weren’t for him, i probably wouldn’t have made this silly lapse in judgment…he and arv kept assuring me and even ‘challenging’ me in a sense to defy the order…)

(jon saw me take off running)
(then he ran to his car)
(and luckily both our cellphones were working)
(i ended up running very near to where i got hit by a car in ‘may 2014’)
(right in front of the ‘princeton welfare offices!’)
(on the ‘outskirts’ of princeton)

(i continued to be ‘homeless’ in princeton for a good chunk of that spring)
(although ‘jon’ let me stay at his condo a few nights)
(and even let me know in utter repentance that i could crash with him at anytime)
(even though he had filed charges against me for ‘simple assault’)
(just over 4 years after a almost IDENTICAL incident in ‘winter 2012’)

(i would go to the local ‘starbucks’ when it opened at 5:30AM)
(one saturday morning two bulldyke princeton campus security bulldykes (one of which was the hispanic lady who had tried arresting me again and the other who was present the time of the ‘arrest’ (by campus police) for the first charge of ‘defiant trespassing’)
(because a campus cop patrolling the hallways on the third floor of the ‘lewis library’ saw me drinking from a ‘bud limearita’
(there was no one else around!)
(and i had access to multiple high-quality iMacs)
(i discovered the ‘lewis library’ in ‘summer 2011’)
(wehn i spent the summer working for ‘princeton tutoring’)

(the first ‘bulldyke’ informs me that she’s reported me to the ‘princeton municipal court’ for a 2nd ‘defiant trespassing’ charge and if i didn’t show up in court the following monday there’d be a warrant out for my arrest(

(i ended up showing up for ‘lawrence court’ on a least 3 separate occasions up to ‘july 2016’)
(when i was assigned a new ‘public defender’)
(the first one assigned to me assured me that the charges would be dropped because jon wasn’t answering the prosecutor’s phone calls nor did he appear in court (as required?))
(“throw the book at me!”)
(investigate the “LAW”)
(argue EVERY LAW)

(but the judge then set up a “follow-up” court date (to formally drop charges?))
(that’s what my public defener assured me was the WORST that could happen)
(as in “if charge isn’t dropped by ‘prosecutor’ today then he will “definitely” drop it during a follow-up court date)
(what kids of ‘incentives’ do prosecutors have to prosecute to the FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW?)
(because that would ultimately descend into ‘tyranny’!)

(when i showed up in court ’round ’11 july 2016′


