“bicycle journals”

(one starts with ‘training wheels’)

(to make for a horizontal line of three wheels at the rear with an anterior wheel vertically aligned with the center wheel at the rear)

(aka a “quadcycle”)

then one progresses to a “tricycle” in which the center rear wheel is removed

then finally one learns to ride a bicycle

learned to bike as a first grader

(circles in driveway)

SX1 raleigh USA
(made in north carolina?)

i made up songs based on my bike labels to entertain the younger brother

and decorated the bike with decals

(toresco: ‘you need a 10-speed’)

(@ communion party)

trek mountain biking

high gear shop

(moved across the street in stirling)

frost valley camp

(biked to woodstock NY)

(flat tire on the first day)

(the counselor biked to the next town to fix my bike)

(he was only a senior in high school)

(some geek named ‘randy’)

(the female counterpart was slightly older)

(a fitzgerald?)

then hiked

father bought me a bike as college graduation gift

bike stolen from 4 new york (jpmorgan offices)

after i sold the yukon in april 2012, i relied on a bike to commute to bally total fitness…the total distance was ~10 miles…

the specialized bike broke when left body connector came loose from back wheel
(as i was crossing cedarbridge)

walked it rest of way, then finally fixed it in bally parking lot
(hands got all greasy)
(then it came apart again as i crossed mcdonalds lawn to get up to the sidewalk)

(and i fixed it again after several minutes of struggle)

(finally the bike was stolen in ‘summer 2012’ after i foolishly left it in the front of the ‘brick house’)


(***BACK TO “BIKING”***)
