“can collecting”



“container-deposit legislation”


*AKA* –>

*deposit-refund system*

*bottle bill*

*deposit-return system*


(‘container-deposit legislation’ is any ‘law’ that requires the collection of a ‘monetary deposit’ on ‘beverage containers’ (‘refillable’ or ‘non-refillable’) at the ‘point of sale’ and/or the payment of ‘refund value’ to the ‘consumers’)


(when the container is returned to an authorized ‘redemption center’ (or ‘retailer’ in some ‘jurisdictions’), the deposit is ‘partly’ or ‘fully’ refunded to the ‘redeemer’ (presumed to be the ‘original purchaser’))

(it is a ‘deposit-refund system’)


(‘governments’ may pass ‘container deposit legislation’ for several reasons, including…)

*to encourage ‘recycling’ + complement existing ‘curbside recycling programs’*

*to reduce ‘energy’ + ‘material usage’ for containers*

*to specifically reduce ‘beverage container litter’ along ‘highways’, in ‘lakes’ + ‘rivers’, and on other ‘public’ or ‘private’ properties*

(where ‘beverage container litter’ occurs, a ‘nominal deposit’ provides an ‘economic incentive’ to clean it up)

(this is a significant source of income to some ‘poor individuals’ + ‘non-profit civic organizations’)

*to extend the ‘usable lifetime’ of ‘taxpayer-funded landfills’*


(deposits that are not redeemed are often kept by ‘distributors’ or ‘bottlers’ to cover the costs of the ‘system’ (including ‘handling fees’ paid to ‘retailers’ or ‘redemption enters’ to (‘collect’ / ‘sort’ / ‘handle’) the containers) or are escheated to the ‘governmental entity’ involved to fund ‘environmental programs’)






👈👈👈☜*“INCOME STREAMS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥