*2016 american presidential election*



(304 / 531)
(45.9% popular vote)



(227 / 531)
(48% popular vote)




*the united states presidential election of 2016 was the ’58th quadrennial american presidential election;, held on ‘8 november 2016’ (tuesday)*


(the ‘republican’ ticket of businessman ‘donald trump’ and indiana governor ‘mike pence’ defeated the democratic ticket of former secretary of state ‘hillary clinton’ and US senator from virginia ‘tim kaine’)

(‘trump’ took office as the 45th president, and ‘pence’ as the ’48th vice president’ on ’20 january 2017′)

(concurrent with the ‘presidential election’, ‘senate’ / ‘house’, and many ‘gubernatorial’ and ‘state’ and ‘local’ elections were also held on ‘november 8th’)

(voters selected members of the ‘electoral college’ in each ‘state’, in most cases by “winner-takes-all” plurality; those ‘state electors’ in turn voted for a new ‘president’ + ‘vice president’ on ’19 december 2016′)

(while ‘clinton’ received about ‘2.9 million more votes nationwide’ (a margin of 2.1%), ‘trump’ won with 56% of electors in the ‘electoral college’, winning ’30 states’ with 306 pledged electors out of ‘538’)

(he won the ‘perennial swing states’ of ‘florida’, ‘iowa’, and ‘ohio’, as well as clinton’s “blue wall” states of ”michigan’, ‘pennsylvania’, and ‘wisconsin’, which had been ‘democratic strongholds’ in ‘presidential elections’ since the 1990s)

(leading up to the election, a ‘trump victory’ was considered unlikely by almost all media forecasts)

(in the ‘electoral college’ vote on ‘december 19th’, ‘7 electors’ voted against their pledged candidates: 2 against ‘trump’, and 5 against ‘clinton’)

(“faithless electors”)

(a further ‘3 electors’ attempted to vote against ‘clinton’ but were replaced or forced to vote again)

(ultimately, ‘trump’ received ‘304 electoral votes’ and ‘clinton’ garnered 227, while ‘colin powell’ won 3, and ‘john kasich’, ‘ron paul’, ‘bernie sanders’, and ‘faith spotted eagle’ each received 1)


(‘trump’ is the 5th person in ‘U.S. history’ to become ‘president’ despite losing the ‘nationwide popular vote’)

(he is the first president without any ‘prior experience’ in ‘public service’ or the ‘military’, while ‘clinton’ was the first woman to be the ‘presidential nominee’ of the ‘democratic party’)

(this was the first time since the landslide 1984 re-election of ‘ronald reagan’ that wisconsin voted for the ‘republican nominee’, and the first time since ‘1988’ that the ‘republican nominee’ won the states of ‘pennsylvania’ + ‘michigan’ as well as maine’s ‘2nd congressional district’)


(it was also the first time since the ‘1828 election’ of ‘democratic nominee’ ‘andrew jackson’ that an ‘electoral vote split’ occurred in ‘maine’)








👈👈👈 ☜ *“2012”*


*“2020”* ☞ 👉👉👉












🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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