“amazing grace” (themes)


(written by the british clergyman ‘john newton’)
(1725 – 1807)
(died ‘of old age’ at age 82)

(he worked on ‘slave ships’ until ‘age 30’)

(published in 1779)
(3 years after the american revolution)
(in the midst of the french revolution)

(anglican church)
(church of england)

Newton and Cowper attempted to present a poem or hymn for each prayer meeting. The lyrics to “Amazing Grace” were written in late 1772 and probably used in a prayer meeting for the first time on January 1, 1773.

(newton was 47 years old)

(a collection of the poems Newton and Cowper had written for use in services at Olney was bound and published anonymously in 1779 under the title ‘olney hymns’)

(‘newton’ contributed 280 of the 348 texts in olney hymns; “1 Chronicles 17:16–17, Faith’s Review and Expectation” was the title of the poem with the first line “amazing grace! (how sweet the sound…)”)




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