"borders"*watchung branch*

(‘1511 US route 22”)
(‘watchung’ / ‘NJ’)

(as of ‘april 2011’)

(“borders group” filed for bankruptcy in ‘february 2011’)

(announced that they would be closing 200 stores)
(including 4 NJ stores)

(officially ‘defunct’ on ’28 september 2011′)
(cheryl lynn’s 57th birthday)
(my final season @ “watchung underground)
(the onset of ‘autumn’)
(“back to school”)

(“borders” replaced by “stein mart”)


(the first ‘borders bookstore’ opened in 1971)
(‘tom’ and ‘louis’)
(‘the borders brothers”)

(‘september 2006’)

mike pellagatti encouraged me to perform @ their open mic one weeknight

(i recall playing “get back”)

(and maybe “big barn bed”)

(this being ’round the peak of my ‘mccartney phase’)

(which soon transitioned into a closer listen to the ‘beach boys’)

(i remember the brian wilson biography @ borders)

(wasn’t a confident performer then)

(told ‘marta blumberg’ that i managed to make $10 selling CDs there)

(that was a lie)

(fuck her…)

(why should i have felt compelled to justify my music to an ‘atheist church organist’ anyway?)






👈👈👈☜*“NJ OPEN MICS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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