*the ‘borough’*












(a borough is an ‘administrative division’ in various ‘english-speaking countries’)

(in principle, the term borough designates a “self-governing walled town”, although in practice, “official” use of the term varies widely)

(the word borough derives from common ‘germanic’ *burg, meaning fort: compare with buryburgh and brough (‘england’), burgh (‘scotland’), burg (‘germany’), borg (‘scandinavia’), burcht (‘dutch’), boarch (‘west frisian’), and the germanic borrowing present in neighbouring ‘indo-european languages’ such as borgo (italian), bourg (french), burgo (‘spanish’ and ‘portuguese’), burg (romanian), purg (kajkavian) and durg (दर्ग) (‘hindi’) and arg (ارگ) (‘persian’))

(the incidence of these words as ‘suffixes’ to ‘place names’ (for example, ‘aldeburgh’, ‘bamburgh’, ’tilbury’, ’tilburg, ‘strasbourg’ (‘strossburi’ in the ‘local dialect’), ‘luxembourg’, ‘edinburgh’, ‘grundisburgh’, ‘hamburg’, ‘gothenburg’) usually indicates that they were once ‘fortified settlements’)

(in the ‘middle ages’, ‘boroughs’ were settlements in ‘england’ that were granted some self-government; ‘burghs’ were the ‘scottish’ equivalent)

(in ‘medieval england’, ‘boroughs’ were also entitled to elect ‘members of parliament’)

(the use of the word borough probably derives from the burghal system of ‘alfred the great’)

(‘alfred’ set up a system of defensive strong points (‘burhs’); in order to maintain these settlements, he granted them a degree of ‘autonomy’)

(after the ‘norman conquest’, when certain towns were granted ‘self-governance’, the concept of the ‘burh’ / ‘borough’ seems to have been reused to mean a ‘self-governing settlement’)

(the concept of the ‘borough’ has been used repeatedly (and often differently) throughout the world)

(often, a ‘borough’ is a single town with its own ‘local government’)

(however, in some cities it is a subdivision’ of the city (for example, ‘new york city’, ‘london’, and ‘montreal’)’

(in such cases, the ‘borough’ will normally have either limited powers delegated to it by the city’s local government, or no powers at all)

(in other places, such as the U.S. state of ‘alaska’, borough designates a whole ‘region’; alaska’s largest borough, the ‘North Slope Borough’, is comparable in area to the entire ‘united kingdom’, although its population is less than that of ‘swanage’ on england’s south coast with around 9,600 inhabitants)

(in ‘australia’, a borough was once a self-governing small town, but this designation has all but vanished, except for the only remaining ‘borough’ in the country, which is the ‘borough of queenscliffe’)

(‘boroughs’ as ‘administrative units’ are to be found in ‘ireland’ and the ‘united kingdom’, more specifically in ‘england’ and ‘northern ireland’)

(‘boroughs’ also exist in the ‘canadian’ province of ‘quebec’ and formerly in ‘ontario’, in some states of the ‘united states’, in ‘israel’, formerly in ‘new zealand’ and only 1 left in ‘australia’)






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  2. “watchung” | *JoGa Jungle*
  3. “government subdivisions” | *JoGa Jungle*
  4. “local government” (watchung) | *JoGa Jungle*

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