"caffe cielo"







(‘debbie hannon’ first suggested performing @ caffe cielo in ‘summer 2010′)

(mama and i had visited her husband’s (adopted) parents’ house via waverunner that afternoon @ my urging)

i started playing monday night open mics there in fall 2010
(driving in from watchung and parking the car in midtown manhattan)

i mostly went there to hit on bigtittied bartender taryn chory
(who was also commuting from watchung @ the time)

caffe cielo closes @ 10:30pm / bar @ 11pm

she seemed into the music after my first acoustic set (i played 3 songs)
(of course she’s an aspiring “singer” herself)
(accompanied by the old man house pianist “michael”)
(couldn’t figure out whether he was gay or just creepy…)

got her phone # but she never returned my calls…

the second time i played there she was notably cooler to me…

she was busy flirting with a chubby middle-aged patron…

when i pressed her on the issue, she merely responded: “you don’t know what it’s like to be a woman!”

i was also trying to establish a connection with paul schaffer (the “letterman” host)

he was reputed to regularly frequent the establishment…

one night in november 2010 (another “open mic” night), i played a particularly great set to a packed house…

but it was right when ‘paul schaffer’ stepped out to the bathroom…

(so he missed it…)

i later approached him and attempted to give him a CD…he told me that he doesn’t have any pull when it comes to who gets booked on the letterman show…

i finally booked a show proper with the owner joseph gambuto’s busty young daughter “isabella”…we were set to perform on 12 december 2010…

august 2011:

(“bye bye”)
rachel hasn’t been there in a while

(hit up caffe cielo)

‘taryn chory’
(next monday: ‘open mic’)
(she’s hanging on the beach with ‘isabel gambuto’)

(i may as well go for what little options i’ve got left)












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