"easter sunday"*journals*



“common year”

*17 APRIL 2022*



“common year”



*leap year*



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jesus rises from the dead

(the “ascension of jesus” takes place 40 days after easter)

7 weeks later, the christians celebrate “pentecost”
(the “50th day”)


27 march 2016
(making ash wednesday february 10)


5 april 2015

(making ash wednesday february 18)

are you already gone?
does it remind you of guth?

at burning tree
(the rest of the family is down the shore)

i’m catching up on porn on his laptop…

he left in the morning to teach yoga classes…

aaron’s old man came by to pick him up for easter…sometime before noon…that was my cue to walk back to the room…

then go back to the room and smoke alone…

i stayed up until sometime before 3am…then i pigged out before crashing…beef jerky (courtesy of cheryl)…most everything i ate made my teeth hurt (because of the monsters i drank that day)…i kept writing + recording parts for “the second nature”…


20 april 2014

(dope day!)
(birth of hitler)
(resurrection of christ)

still not so much as a phone call from the “family”…

spent the day alone @ the mount’s motel
(lawrenceville NJ)


4 april 2010


reconciled with the old man
(after he gave me some of my savings bonds which were worth over $1000)


exiled to the family mansion at the jersey shore
(did not receive a phone call from anyone)

biked to the liquor store that night for a bottle of vodka

(lied to the cute cashier nikki murphy and said i was buying more booze for the family celebration)


31 march 2013

again banned from the celebration by the “family”
(without so much as a phone call)

spent the day alone in princeton (@ the clearview avenue house)

woke up on saturday before noon but i was still tired all day…finished off the rest of the steel reserve pint and chain smoked through the day…time to stop smoking + drinking for a while…(my bank account is below $25 now)…plus the landlord will complain sooner or later about the cigarette butts sprawled along the backyard (when i get too lazy to throw them in the garbage)…

musically, it was a quite productive day…despite bouts of fatigue, i found that the voice was in top form and so i recorded several vocal takes…eventually i reloaded @ the liquor store (12-pack of budweiser) and pigged out @ dunkin donuts (the newbie took too long with my order)…again i’m being frozen out on easter…the rents sent a card in the mail with another dunkin donuts giftcard…i’m gonna have to ask them for money sooner or later…

when i returned to the room, i was too tired to work…so i slept for a few hours before rubbing one out…believe that this final 12-pack will help ease my way through any potential withdrawals…now it’s past midnight and i’m ready to work on AI’s video (plus a great re-rendition of “souls 4 hire” i recorded this afternoon)…i’m almost done with the “harrowing of hell” album…that’ll be a relief…then it’s onto “big bang” (only 2 of 52!)

easter checklist:

“harrowing of hell” album
“fruit” motif (for “weirdos” film)
“my kind of town” AI video
apply for “multimedia specialist” position

from there, it’s onto music promotion and show booking…time to clean up the act once again…with the warm weather i can hit up the princeton campus to sell CDs…if worst comes to worst, i’ll still have food (and it’d take at least 30 days to evict me)…i’m about to owe a lot more in utilities…

mark’s vimeo password is “misanthropos”

he taught me a new word…”diegetic”…(greek for “narration”)…

shouldn’t combine benadryl and beer before bed…it knocked me out for 9+ hours and now i’ve wasted most of the day…

i didn’t even receive a phone call from anyone in the family for easter…does this mean i’ve become totally estranged?

i ended up finishing off the 12-pack of budweiser…(5 beers day 1 / 7 beers day 2)…figure that’s the best way to wean self off the booze for now…

bought a can of dip @ rite-aid and a bunch of sandwiches at dunkin donuts…

ate myself into a food coma and fell asleep (again)…

left a message asking el madre for rent and utilities tomorrow…

(she never called back…)



👈👈👈☜*“EASTER SUNDAY”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. “easter sunday” | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. “easter sunday 2011” | *JoGa Jungle*

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