
“‘eve’ (temptation)”
(polish painter ‘pantaleon szyndler’)




‘3 BOYS’ / ‘2 GIRLS’




*hebrew* –>



*classical hebrew’* –>



*modern israeli hebrew* –>



‘arabic’ –>



‘syriac’ –>



‘tigrinya’ –>




*’eve’ is a figure in the ‘book of genesis’ in the ‘hebrew bible’*


(according to the ‘creation myth’ of the ‘abrahamic religions’, she was the ‘first woman’) 

(in ‘islamic tradition’, ‘eve’ is known as adam’s wife although she is not specifically named in the ‘qur’an’)

(in the ‘genesis creation narratives’, she was created by ‘yahweh-elohim’ (‘yahweh-god’ / ‘the god of israel’) by taking her from the side of ‘adam’ (the first ‘human’))

(according to ‘genesis 1 + 2’, ‘eve’ is the first woman created by god (‘yahweh’ / the ‘god of israel’))

(‘god’ created her to be adam’s ‘companion’)

(she succumbs to ‘the serpent’s temptation’ via the suggestion that to eat the ‘forbidden fruit’ from the “tree of the knowledge of ‘good’ and ‘evil'” would improve on the way ‘god’ had made her, and that she would not die)

(she, believing the lie of the ‘serpent’ rather than the earlier instruction from ‘god’, shares the fruit with ‘adam’)

(as a result, the first humans are expelled from the ‘garden of eden’)

“huh?” so you went through all this trouble just to make this ‘bubble’ to kick people out of as soon as they fucked up?

(though traditionally ‘adam’ + ‘eve’ are said to have been cursed by god, there is no indication of that in the ‘genesis account’)

(a close look at the ‘genesis 3’ passage reveals that ‘god’ cursed the ‘serpent’)

(‘god’ told both ‘adam’ + ‘eve’ what would be some of the consequences to them and their ‘forebears’ from ‘sin’ entering the ‘human race’)


“i will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you”)



(‘god’ also told ‘adam’ –>

“cursed is the ground because of you”)


“because of me? is that MY responsiblity? gee…thanks god!


(and with that, the ‘birth of sarcasm’)


¡¡¡🙎‍♂️*DON DON*🙎‍♀️!!!


(‘christian churches’ differ on how they view both adam + eve’s disobedience to ‘god’ (often called the ‘fall of man’), and to the consequences that those actions had on the rest of ‘humanity’)

(‘christian’ + ‘jewish’ teachings sometimes hold ‘adam’ (the first man) and ‘eve’ to a different level of responsibility for the ‘fall’, though ‘islamic teaching’ holds both equally responsible)


(though ‘eve’ is not a saint’s name, the traditional ‘name day’ of ‘adam + eve’ has been celebrated on ‘december 24’ since the ‘middle ages’ in many european countries such as…)




*apparently the world’s ‘least religious country’*












*“ADAM”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. adam | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. eve | *JoGa Jungle*
  3. seth | *JoGa Jungle*
  4. “fictional eves” | *JoGa Jungle*

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