
(pottstown PA)
(29 august)

david bryson

Dear Friends,

Thank you for submitting a request to be considered for a performance slot at Evolvefest 2014!

In order to be considered, we require all applicants to submit a hard-copy CD and Press Kit. We understand that everyone has EPK’s and websites- please understand that this is the way we have chosen to process requests. You must submit a CD.

You can send a CD and Press Kit to: Band Review Committee (c/o David Bryson) 209 Forest Lakes Dr. Andover NJ 07821 We will review your cd, make a decision and respond with a firm answer no later than July 21st 2014. Please understand that we cannot invite all bands to play Evolvefest as the demand is quite high.

We are only selecting bands that can attend the festival more than one day. We are building a quality community experience which is immersive for bands and fans. At the very least, we ask bands to stay at least 2 days and one night. Ideally we’d like our bands to be present all four days.

We do wish to acknowledge your passion to create great music and raise positive vibrations. Thank you for contributing your creative energy into the global stream of evolutionary energy. Together we will transform the world and co-create the change that we all wish to see in 2014!

Here are our FB pages that you should be a part of:

Evolvefest Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/evolvefestival

Evolvefest 2014 Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/569166756451699/

Main Website: http://evolvefest.com/

Please promote these pages regularly to your FB friends, email lists and all other social media contacts/groups- Thank you.


Dave Bryson

Executive Director


Ps- I know you may have sent a press kit last year- but to make a bid for 2014- you must send a fresh kit with your latest materials, info and cd. Thanks for your co-operation!

Pss. Inviting your friends to Evolvefest is important~  here’s the link to share:

Evolvefest 2014 Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/569166756451699/

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