"field day"

(elementary school field days)

(fleeting memories)
(the fourth graders had the pie-eating contests)

(seventh grade field day)
(i was captain of ‘red team’)
(missus andrek was our coach)
(although she wasn’t athletic in the least)
(not at that point)
(bassman and kenwell were captains of the other teams)
(we won)

(hobo: “red rules!”)
(her signature in my yearbook)
(but i think bassman beat me in my running event)
(paul won the pie-eating contest)
(i went back to brad’s house after the festivities had concluded)


Sports days (British English) or field days (American English) are events staged by many schools and offices in which people participate in competitive sporting activities, often with the aim of winning trophies or prizes.

Though they are often held at the beginning of summer, they are staged in the autumn or spring seasons, especially in countries where the summer is very harsh.

Schools stage many sports days in which children participate in the sporting events. It is usually held in elementary schools.

In schools which use a house system a feature of the school is the competition between the houses

this is especially brought out during sporting events such as an inter-house sports day.

Games that are played on school sports days can be wide and varied.

They can include straightforward sprints and longer races for all age groups as well as egg and spoon races. 

Three legged races are run as well as sack races, wheelbarrow races, and parent and child races.

(additional games are traditionally run in Ireland, and the UK, such as ‘horseshoes’)






👈👈👈☜*“GYM CLASS HEROES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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