fruit (themes)

(written in 2007)
(recorded in 2013)

the music is free-form.  after a period of meticulous scoring prior to recording sessions, i started recording ‘fruit’ without having worked the arrangement out in sibelius.  the ‘Fruit’ recording sessions took place during a 2-week vacation from JPMorgan in May 2008…

the song was originally a spoken-word piece scrawled in a black n’ white composition pad i started carrying around with me everywhere during the Winter of 2007/2008.

it was written to entertain certain factions of my family and mock other factions of my family (humor is all a zero-sum game / those who take pleasure in the humor are counterbalanced by those who take offense to the humor)

one one occasion my parents traveled to disney world without the children (on a “business trip”) and raved of the new wonders + attractions to our eager ears…

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