"grand funk railroad"

Original lineup of Grand Funk Railroad (left to right: Don Brewer, Mark Farner, and Mel Schacher)
(dude on the right is dead ringer for ‘anthony cumia’)

“whatta buncha utter dopes!”






*abbreviated ‘grand funk’*


(‘grand funk railroad’ is an american rock band that was highly popular during the 1970s, touring extensively and playing to packed arenas worldwide)

(does anyone really care anymore?)

(“i sure don’t!”)

(although they’ll try their very best to make all of us believe they do”
(what a ‘wordy way’ to say)

(David Fricke of Rolling Stone magazine once said, “You cannot talk about rock in the 1970s without talking about Grand Funk Railroad!”)

(known for their crowd-pleasing arena rock style, the band was well-regarded by audiences despite a relative lack of ‘critical acclaim’

(a ‘gentile KISS’)

(a ‘gentler version’?)


(the band’s name is a ‘play on words’ of the ‘grand trunk western railroad’…)

(a railroad line that ran through the band’s home town of ‘flint’ (/ ‘michigan’))









👈👈👈☜*“DETROIT ROCK CITY”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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