(D) (her majesty’s a) (D6) (pretty / purty) (D) (nice girl)
(D6 D6) (but she / buttcheeks)
(E9) (doesn’t have a lot to)
(A) (say)
(riff: A B C# D)
(D) (her majesty’s a) (D6) (pretty / purty) (D) (nice girl)
(D6 D6) (but she / buttcheeks)
(E9) (changes from day to)
(A) (day)
(Bm) (D7) (G)
(i wanna tell her that i love her a lot)
(but i gotta get a bellyful of wine)
(Em) (D) (B7)
(her majesty’s a pretty nice girl)
(Em7) (A7) (D) (B7)
(someday i’m gonna make her mine, yea)
(Em7) (A7) (D)
(someday i’m gonna make her mine)