(1922 – 2010)
(portuguese novelist / playwright / journalist)
(won nobel prize for literature)
(proponent of libertarian communism)
(condemned israeli treatment of palestinians in 2002)
(compared blockades to concentration camps)
(which is of course unfair because jews don’t actually want to systematically eliminate arabs)
(or maybe they just aren’t as boisterous about their aims as we hitler / john gotti types)
(because jews are pretty much the most logical people on earth)
(and no matter how you frame it, less arabs means a better existence for all jews)
(and i think i’d rather live in a world of jews than a world of arabs)
(died while living in spain)
(ate breakfast + chatted with wife)
(then died of ‘natural causes’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥