“katerina” (reviews)

(*summer 2006*)

(complimentary critique from ‘discmakers’)
(note that this was the ‘bait’ positive critique they granted me before getting me to pay hundreds of dollars to sign up for the bullshit “TAXI A+R” program)

“there are very beatlesque moments to this song…”
(no shit!)

I would be surprised if they were not a major influence here.  There are some eclectic moments here, with pretty melodies and chord patterns.  Well done!  Though there are some pitchy moments, in general it is a nice vocal performance.  Great job!  This is an interesting, enjoyable, and original piece.  There is no obvious hook or chorus melody; however, it is an extremely melodic piece.  This is an ambient song of linear style.  The lyrics are engaging and evoke charming imagery.  Nice work!”

(keep in mind that this was the ‘complimentary’ critique i received after releasing ‘finest hour’ through disc makers.  which meant it wouldn’t get approved/forwarded because you weren’t a dues-paying TAXI member.  it also happened to be the critique with the most positive things to say.  hmmm…)

(‘matthew cantor’ compared the song to “middle-to-late period beatles”)

(‘devon petersmeyer’ also compared the song to the beatles)

(that’s exactly what i was going for!)

(even ‘derrick wang’ noted the harmonic similarities to the songs of “pet sounds”)
(which i tuned him into during our first year at harvard)

(which meant i did pretty damn well with my ‘test audience’)
(‘katerina’ being a ‘starting point’ of sorts for my songwriting)
(the earliest song i will still play today)
(without much embarrassment)
(though songs can always be revised)
(for better or worse)

(mccartney and dylan always played their songs for people to see what they thought of them)
(i stopped doing that when i realized that nobody cared)


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