
(why bother?)




(founded in ‘moscow’ in ‘1999’)


(LJ / zhivoy zhurnal)

(russian –> Живой Журнал) / zhezhe (ЖЖ))


-as of [3 AUGUST 2024]


-“livejournal” is a ‘social networking service’ based in ‘san francisco’ (/ ‘california’) where ‘internet users’ can keep a [‘blog’ / ‘journal’ / ‘diary’]-


(a wide variety of ‘political pundits’ also use the service for ‘political commentary’, particularly in ‘russia’ (where it partners with the online newspaper ‘gazeta.ru’)

(as with many other ‘social networks’, a wide variety of ‘public figures’ use the ‘network’)

(‘livejournal’ was started on ’15 april 1999′ by american programmer ‘brad fitzpatrick’ as a way of keeping his ‘high school friends’ updated on his ‘activities’)

(in ‘january 2005’, blogging software company ‘six apart’ purchased ‘danga interactive’ (the company that operated ‘livejournal’) from ‘fitzpatrick’)

(‘six apart’ sold ‘livejournal to russian media company ‘SUP media’ in ‘2007’, but continued to develop the site by the san francisco-based company ‘livejournal incorporated’)

(the russians bought it right around the time i decided to take my own site down)

(for fear of being fired by my new employer ‘BGC partners’)

(‘berglum’ did the same)

(‘winter 2007’)


(in ‘january 2009′, the firm laid off some ’employees’ and moved ‘product development’ + ‘design functions’ to ‘russia’)








👈👈👈☜*“OUR BLOGS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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