"mph journals"

-as of [7 APRIL 2024]


(best time:)


(age 13)



‘give your absolute all at the end of the race’

(middle school track)

(after being beaten by a runner at the end of a race when i was leading for most of the race)

(bassman did the same to me during a half-mile race at the WH track)

i started “running” in fourth grade…

(the “mile run”)

(back then we’d run back and forth on the pavement en masse until we reached the “mile”)

(8 times back and forth)

(all lorded over by our michael jackson doppelganger teacher “barbara orso”)

(a married lesbo)

(i was just trying to break the 8-minute mile)

(PC term for those who couldn’t run a mile: ‘one-mile walk’)

(how long the mile run seems as a 9-year-old)
(how short it seems now)

in middle school, we’d run laps around the school for another extremely inaccurate approximation of a “mile”

by eighth grade, i’d figured out the “mile run” once they got me to a proper track…4 laps = 1 mile…

(by then i’d become the star “mile runner” on the middle school track team)

12.0 mph on treadmill is a 5-minute mile

(near-impossible to complete)

used to attempt this @ bally clark

(so did ‘blumberg’)



👈👈👈☜*“THE MILE RUN”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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