"jesus journals"

“god is dead…”
(according to nietzsche)

(now what?)

(must everyone remain fixated on jesus christ?)

(‘jesus’ was a necessary historical force)

(since the time of moses, the jews got carried away with so many decorative superficial laws that they forgot how to ‘love each other’)

so he broke things down in the simplest possible terms for them.

and 2000 years later, the same thing has happened.

these things work in cycles. modern catholicism merely props up the weak.

only megalomaniac madmen actually claim to be christ.

christ claimants reveal their hands.

it’s a reactionary + unimaginative assertion.

why not claim to be superman?

as for me, i’m much more prone to aspire towards saint patrick’s throne.

the irish are better-looking anyways.

as far as i’m concerned, the irish are the salt of the earth.

all the beatles are originally of irish descent.

not to mention the next biggest rock band in line: U2.

i myself come from a line of black irishmen.

and it’s long past time to do that reverse british invasion and head across the atlantic to my ‘hill of tara’

as for your christ claimants, they’re not claiming to actually be the carpenter/preacher from nazareth.

they know nothing of the man.

to them, christ is a symbol of the almighty human.

and they are simply trying to reclaim his legacy from small-minded suburbian types who conveniently ignore all talk of camels, rich men, and eyes of needles when they read their gospels.

the life of christ as a symbol is so revealing of the innermost fears + longings of the human spirit.

as nietzsche so eloquently stated, the greatest enemies of modern christianity would be among its first disciples.

for it has been perverted by so many pompous popes that we have no choice but to push the reset button.

and soon.

christ elevated the common man to saintly status.

it’s a question of ego erasure vs. isolated productivity.

the son of god can accomplish much more if left to his own devices.

this is the davinci/john galt/tesla route.

but the moral of the jesus biography is to use one’s gifts to make others like yourself.

and your legacy will be reflected (and thereby controlled) by others.

if you choose to go it alone, you have complete control of your legacy but others will have to truly love your art for you to live up to your own standards.

otherwise you are deemed useless.

in my own relationships, i’ve always vacillated between these extremes.

i make other people think that they are like me,

and then when they can’t adhere to the same rigorous standards i set for myself (and by default them), they direct their frustrations at me.

in other words, i’m left with wasted time and bitter bastards.

anyone who claims to be a “vegetarian” for moral reasons cannot claim jesus as “savior”…

for any “savior” would surely lead a perfectly “moral” life on earth…

(and jesus was a fisherman)

(it’s merely a collective desire of the son one-upping his human “father”)

(denial of the paternal figure)

(substitution of an “all-powerful paternal figure”)






👈👈👈☜*“JESUS CHRIST”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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