-as of [8 JANUARY 2025]


(“follow the money”)

(watergate phrase)

*eliminate gov’t funding of the arts + sciences*

(leave this to private sector)

(because a gov’t funded artist isn’t necessarily better)

(because this gives inherent advantages to gov’t funded artists)

(…which leads to the gov’t becoming the artist)

(who do you think really produces the disney channel?)

(because self-interest/thirst for profit is what primarily fuels scientific progress)

(tesla (bless his heart) nonwithstanding)

(and he wasn’t backed by the government.)

(which will save mucho taxpayer $$$)

(this also means eliminating public schools, but we’ll get to that later.

(trust me, it’ll all make sense once we once and for all equate +education with +wealth)


*government funding for space exploration*

(this is one scientific endeavor gov’t should focus all its resources on)

(because eventually this planet will be inside of the ‘sun’)

(“part of the son”)












🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥