"no dough for dope"*development*

hard at work on a new tune entitled “no dough for dope”.

infer from it what you will

(all donations to remedy current predicament will be graciously accepted). to compensate, i’ve been downing lots of what the ruskies like to call ‘little water’ (though this particular brand hails from the netherlands)

the earliest written reference to what we now know as the “screwdriver” is from the 24 october 1949 issue of “time”:

“In the dimly lighted bar of the sleek Park Hotel, Turkish intelligence agents mingle with American engineers and Balkan refugees, drinking the latest Yankee concoction of vodka and orange juice, called a ‘screwdriver’.

(*the drink got its name because the american engineers secretly added vodka to small cans of orange juice and stirred the mixture with their screwdrivers*)

(i myself first sampled the cocktail with a harvard bozo (whose last name happens to rhyme with “towel” and wasn’t much of a head). by his own admission, he couldn’t even break 1300 on the SATs (as it was then called) but somehow stumbled upon the most prestigious institution of higher learning on the planet. ostensibly for his football skills (though he quit the team within the week). last i heard he was off gunnin’ down innocent (though as bitter as you’d expect) ayrabs because that’s what fellow texan george w. bush told him to do (‘cuz that’s what dick cheney told him to do…’cuz that’s what the ziocons told him to do…and so it goes…))

what a country!

the tune begins in the key of Cmajor because that is where my sonic self feels most comfortable. modulates quite nicely into Dmajor and then somehow finds its way to Dminor (for those precious few familiar with the jogabop catalogue, in particular the album ‘the creeps’, think shades of ‘plight of the phoenix’ and ‘cocoa court’ outros)

also been reading a great deal of this: alan w. pollack’s notes on beatles catalogue… as well as absorbing the youtubified rants of glenn gould, bobby fischer, and charlie sheen for comedic inspiration

(i probably need new microphones by now (still using the same mics from fall 2005) but at least i’ve updated to cubase (essential) v5. which doesn’t seem quite catered to the ‘imac’)



👈👈👈☜*back to “NO DOUGH FOR DOPE”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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