“the american war for independence”

(aka “the revolutionary war”)

(1775 – 1783)
(~8 years)

(armed conflict between the kingdom of ‘great britain’ + 13 of its former north american colonies)

“french and indian war”

(in great britain it is referred to as the “7 years war”)

(ended in 1763)

(great britain drove france from north america)

(great britain is heavily in debt)

(taxes in britain are already very high)

(the british government reasoned that the colonists should pay for the soldiers stationed there)

(‘parliament’ passed the ‘stamp act’ in ‘1765’)

(first direct taxation of american colonists)

(the americans reasoned that taxation could not be imposed on them because they lacked representation in parliament)

(if they were to be considered “englishmen” with all their rights)

(they also rejected offer of being provided with representation)

(“local situation made it impossible”)

(civil disobedience to the law led to its repeal)

(passage of “declaratory act”)

(“colonies are dependants of british crown”)

(then parliament passed townshend act in 1767)
(because it was an “external tax” imposing duties on various british goods)
(colonists protested the act because it was meant to raise revenue instead of regulate trade)

“boston massacre”
(march 1770)

5 colonists killed by british troops

(so parliament repealed all taxes except the tax on tea)

in 1773 the british government tried to help the east india company by reducing tea prices
(in order to increase sales)
(appointed american merchants to sell the tea)

(resulted in the “boston tea party”)
(colonists refused to sell the tea)
(the royal governor of massachusetts refused to send the tea back to britain)
(then patriots destroyed the tea chests)

(nobody was punished)
(parliament declared boston harbor closed in 1774 until all tea was paid for)

(the “massachusetts government act” punished the rebellious colony)
(upper house of massachusetts would be appointed by the crown)

(royal governor could appoint and remove at will all judges, sheriffs, and other executive officials)
(royal governor could restrict town meetings)

(jurors selected by sheriffs)
(british soldiers would be tried outside the colonies for alleged offenses)

(the patriots dubbed them “the intolerable acts”)

(town meetings resulted in the “suffolk resolves”)
(a declaration not to cooperate with royal authorities)


*september 1774*

(“first continental congress”)
(endorsed “suffolk resolve”)
(called for repeal of all parliamentary acts passed after 1763)
(declared that parliament had no authority on internal american affairs)
(they would consent to trade regulations)
(stationing troops in the colonies during peacetime was “against the law”)
(began enforcing boycott on british goods on ‘1 december 1774’)


(october 1774)

(an illegal “provincial congress” was established that took over governance of massachusetts outside british-occupied boston and began training militia for hostilities)

(parliament voted to restrict all colonial trade to Britain, prevent them from using the newfoundland fisheries, and to increase the size of the army and navy by 6,000)

in february 1775 prime minister lord north proposed not to impose taxes if the colonies themselves made “fixed contributions”.

this would safeguard the taxing rights of the colonies from future infringement while enabling them to contribute to maintenance of the empire. This proposal was nevertheless rejected by the Congress in July as an “insidious maneuver”, by which time hostilities had broken out

(the liberal whigs supported the american revolution in britain)
(the conservative tories opposed the american revolution)


*february 1775*

massachusetts is declared “in a state of rebellion” by parliament

thomas gage
(british north american commander-in-chief)


*18 april 1775*

general gage sent 700 men to seize munitions stored by colonial militia in concord massachusetts

paul revere: “the british are coming!”

*19 april 1775*

british troops entered lexington and were met by 77 minutemen

shots are exchanged
(killing several minutemen)

500 minutemen forced british retreat to boston

(thousands of minutemen attacked the british on retreat to boston)
(many british casualties)

(colonial victory)
(49 americans / 73 brits killed)


*14 JUNE 1775* –>

(‘continental army’ formed by the ‘2nd continental congress’)




*4 JULY 1776*

(‘thomas jefferson’ wrote the ‘declaration of independence’)
(declaring the ‘united states’ independent of ‘british rule’)


*3 JANUARY 1777*


*19 OCTOBER 1781*


(20 march 1782)
(lord north’s tory government replaced by the whigs)
(the ‘whigs’ decided to grant american independence)



(‘treaty of paris’ signed on ‘3 september 1783’)


(‘united states congress of the confederation’ ratified treaty on ’14 january 1784’)






👈👈👈☜*“AMERICAN WARS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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