“sally burntdick”



then there was sally burtnick…

(is it “burtnik” or “burtnick”???)
(or “burnt dick”?)
(is the “C” extraneous?)

(rutgers ’13)
(she won’t even make it outta college!)
(then to SVA (‘school of ‘visual arts”) just like fellow busty bimbette amanda lynn best…)
(then off to community college…)
(just like “larn zito”…)
(i knew it…)

(*one year later*)

(and most of all, wasted time)
(i could’ve went to leila thursfield’s going away party in manhattan)
(and had nadia continue to cocktease me)
(we’ve never even fucking kissed!)

sally and i became facebook friends.  one of her photo albums was entitled “just farting”…

i thought i got her 908 phone #…but no silly, that sally is a REISCH!

“oh right…”

she’s my sole “mutual friend” with emma wolin on facebook…
(as sally B so graciously guided her through an ecstasy trip)


(no answer to text)

(post on FB wall or FB chat?)

(that was sally reisch’s phone #!!!)

(friend of harry cubberly)

(who is associate of rob fragnito?)

(electronica vs. rock!!!)

(the epic showdown!!!)

sally g and elder sis darla are singers / mandoliners
(utilizing the same warbly voice all the hipsters use these days)

darla two years younger…
sally seven years younger…
(making them 5 years apart…)
(oh the value of arithmetic!)


“corhana look – twice”
(that’s when i attacked!)
(“corhana” is romanian name)


“congrats!  you’ve just confirmed my long-lingering suspicion that modern-day hipsters are nada mas than faux-fairies slash semi-reerees with racks pretending 2 b profound (and all the beta males duly fall in line)”

(emma: “what did you say to sally”?)

i even took the time to respond to lesbo “joan lenin”…


“hey sally b…apologize 4 the prior digital harshness, i can see u r not just any ole runathemill hipster :)…what kinda indie flick are we talkin?  also, you’ve gotta great voice…we should record sometime…i’ve got a studio in watchung.  what r u up to the rest of the week?  (908)295-8242”

sally b responded in the affirmative…

does sally burtnick like my shirtless sex appeal?  (as did so many other hot chicks)  or does she approve of the symbolic death of my music?)
halloween 2010
sally burtnick

(i hate all other music but my own at this point)

(of course she hates my music!  her father is glen burtnik!)
(an alleged “singer” and paul mccartney tribute artist)
(and ex-member of styx)
(8 april 1955 / he’s all wikified up)
(a year younger than my old man / yet sally is 7 years younger?)
(emma knew all about him via the “dad-proud” daughter with a semi-incestuous relationship)

so i started reaching out to her via twitter:


(october 2012:)

“i’m gonna write a tribute album to your breasts…it’ll be thoroughly disgusting no doubt…”

(no response)

“ruby roo”

*FALL 2010*

(i met her in october 2010)
(it was a great time in my life / i was 26 and living in my parents’ basement collecting unemployment)
(with a car and not a care in the world)
(i had roboray on drums)
(i had a source for dope)
(and a lot of chicks were into me)

(i got drunk at patty ann’s housewarming party and met megan doorly)
(i was even getting along with the family)
(and i had roboray to drive me to rutgers)
(i could’ve gone to amanda lynn’s birthday party THAT NIGHT!)
(remember how that turned out for you the following year!)
(all you got from it was rejection and a shattered iphone)
(not to mention near run-ins with the law WHILE ON PROBATION)

then there was sally burtnick…

(is it “burtnik” or “burtnick”???)
(is the “C” extraneous?)

(rutgers ’13)
(she won’t even make it outta college!)
(then to SVA (‘school of ‘visual arts”) just like fellow busty bimbette amanda lynn best…)
(then off to community college…)
(just like “larn zito”…)
(i knew it…)

(i met her in october 2010)
(it was a great time in my life / i was 26 and living in my parents’ basement collecting unemployment)
(with a car and not a care in the world)
(i had roboray on drums)
(i had a source for dope)
(and a lot of chicks were into me)

(i got drunk at patty ann’s housewarming party and met megan doorly)
(i was even getting along with the family)
(and i had roboray to drive me to rutgers)
(i could’ve gone to amanda lynn’s birthday party THAT NIGHT!)
(remember how that turned out for you the following year!)
(all you got from it was rejection and a shattered iphone)
(not to mention near run-ins with the law WHILE ON PROBATION)

(*one year later*)

(and most of all, wasted time)
(i could’ve went to leila thursfield’s going away party in manhattan)
(and had nadia continue to cocktease me)
(we’ve never even fucking kissed!)

sally and i became facebook friends.  one of her photo albums was entitled “just farting”…

i thought i got her 908 phone #…but no silly, that sally is a REISCH!

“oh right…”

she’s my sole “mutual friend” with emma wolin on facebook…
(as sally B so graciously guided her through an ecstasy trip)


(no answer to text)

(post on FB wall or FB chat?)

(that was sally reisch’s phone #!!!)

(friend of harry cubberly)

(who is associate of rob fragnito?)

(electronica vs. rock!!!)

(the epic showdown!!!)

sally g and elder sis darla are singers / mandoliners
(utilizing the same warbly voice all the hipsters use these days)

darla two years younger…
sally seven years younger…
(making them 5 years apart…)
(oh the value of arithmetic!)


“corhana look – twice”
(that’s when i attacked!)
(“corhana” is romanian name)


“congrats!  you’ve just confirmed my long-lingering suspicion that modern-day hipsters are nada mas than faux-fairies slash semi-reerees with racks pretending 2 b profound (and all the beta males duly fall in line)”

(emma: “what did you say to sally”?)

i even took the time to respond to lesbo “joan lenin”…


“hey sally b…apologize 4 the prior digital harshness, i can see u r not just any ole runathemill hipster :)…what kinda indie flick are we talkin?  also, you’ve gotta great voice…we should record sometime…i’ve got a studio in watchung.  what r u up to the rest of the week?  (908)295-8242”

sally b responded in the affirmative…

does sally burtnick like my shirtless sex appeal?  (as did so many other hot chicks)  or does she approve of the symbolic death of my music?)
halloween 2010
sally burtnick

(i hate all other music but my own at this point)

(of course she hates my music!  her father is glen burtnik!)
(an alleged “singer” and paul mccartney tribute artist)
(and ex-member of styx)
(8 april 1955 / he’s all wikified up)
(a year younger than my old man / yet sally is 7 years younger?)
(emma knew all about him via the “dad-proud” daughter with a semi-incestuous relationship)

so i started reaching out to her via twitter:


(october 2012:)

“i’m gonna write a tribute album to your breasts…it’ll be thoroughly disgusting no doubt…”

(no response)

“ruby roo”



👈👈👈 ☜ *back to “SALOME” (THE FEMALE FIRST NAME)*






🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. salome | *JoGa Jungle*

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