"steven dalkowski"


(born June 3, 1939 in New Britain, Connecticut)


*”Steven Louis Dalkowski” is a retired left-handed pitcher in ‘minor league baseball’*


He is sometimes called the fastest pitcher in baseball history and had a fastball that may have exceeded 100 MPH.

Some experts believe it went as fast as 110 MPH, others that his pitches travelled at 105 MPH or less.

The Guinness World Records records the fastest pitch ever as 100.9 MPH by Nolan Ryan.

As no radar gun or other device was available to measure the speed of his pitches precisely, the actual top speed of his pitches remains unknown.

(regardless of its actual speed, his fastball earned him the nickname “White Lightning”)

Dalkowski was also famous for his unpredictable performance and inability to control his pitches.

His alcoholism and violent behavior off the field caused him problems during his career and after his retirement.

After he retired from baseball, he spent many years as an alcoholic, making a meager living as a migrant worker.

(he recovered in the 1990s, but his alcoholism has left him with dementia and he has difficulty remembering his life after the mid-1960s)


*died on ’19 april 2020’*

(age 80)









👈👈👈☜*“FASTEST PITCHERS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









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