“strength in numbers”

‘defunct myspace profile’




(books female acts)

(“female only?”)

(or just ‘non-male’?)

(and what of ‘trannies’?)

(are females really ‘discriminated against’ in the ‘music industry’?)

(i don’t see it)

(‘I’M ‘discriminated against’?)

(‘feminism’ going ‘too far’?)

(or can this simply be considered a ‘collective female strategy’ to gain more power over men in the ‘music industry’?)

(in terms of ‘female artists’?)

(their ‘earning power’?)

(their ‘popularity’?)

(if that’s the case, could one also draw the conclusion that ‘female artists’ are less ‘popular’ / ‘profitable’ because the ‘free market’ has decided ‘male artists’ are ‘better’?)

(one could at least draw the conclusion that artists of all ‘genders’ / ‘races’ / ‘orientation’ aren’t adversely affected by different ‘biases’ of the ‘listening public’)

(and that male artists are ‘better’ at making their music more ‘profitable’ due to their ‘traditional role’ as ‘breadwinner’?)

(or the fact that (straight) men have more to gain in terms of ‘sexual selection’?)

(as in ‘popular male artists’ have a marked advantage over ‘non-artistic men’ in terms of ‘sexual selection’)

(or the fact that ‘love songs’ sung by ‘straight men’ are the most popular songs with both ‘men’ + ‘women’)



👈👈👈☜*back to “XXX”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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