*holy books*














*the catholic bible is the ‘bible’ comprising the whole ’73-book canon’ recognized by the “catholic church”, including the ‘deutero-canonical books’*


(so a long-dead rogue jew convinced you to forever forsake your sexual happiness? 

all for the opportunity to attach your ego to a long-since invalidated institution.  bummer, huh?)

the “bible” should be a “living breathing document” (much like that other holiest of books, the united states constitution)

i’d never thought i’d have to succumb to addressing this utterly ancient topic but i suppose i must.  if only because still the utterly ignorant among us continue to bow down to an ancient jew text (which remains the ultimate basis of self-identification: “jew”, “christian”, “muslim” alike)…

in a psychological context, this “book” reveals much of what has constituted “human nature” for several thousand years. 

first, a polygamous “patriarch” is wholly celebrated for obeying “god’s word” (read: “sexual jealousy”) for attempting to murder his firstborn son.  even in this allegedly enlightened age, suburbian housewives continue to congregate in church basements to ponder upon the “moral” of this utterly goofy story.  they themselves being intellectually incapable of “literary criticism”, they dare not criticize the author.  they merely celebrate their “father figures” for being o so obedient to “god’s word”.  this in itself speaks to their utter dependency on “sugar daddies”.  and then they subsequently have the audacity to enforce this nonsense on their male progeny?  the “feminist movement” (whatever the fuck that means) had better re-direct their venom…

furthermore, their alleged jew “savior” jesus christ submits to his “father” despite being wholly “magical” and seemingly able to supersede the laws of nature.  dost thou sense a pattern?  and if only to pour salt on these open wounds, these housewives sadistically celebrate his step-by-step suffering.  “he” didn’t die for MY sins…he died for the lot of weak feministas ashamed of their succumbing to meatheads!

in conclusion, “christianity” (in particular “catholicism”) is a wholly feminine doctrine.  it’s no coincidence that their “overlords” continue to sexually molest young boys.  for they are merely “young boys” themselves, utterly emasculated + brainwashed.  and so in their desperate loneliness, the poor bastards attempt to sexually recruit more of their own so that they will ultimately feel they’ve “done god’s work”…

we give ancient ‘prophets’ far too much credit for supposedly predicting future disasters in their always vaguely worded premonitions. turn off your history channels. disasters are supposed to happen. the sustenance of organisms with such rich inner lives in this chaotic universe is such a one-in-several-trillion pie-in-the-sky miracle that it’s only a matter of time before it all falls down and we wait several billion years to start all over again. hopefully the next time round there won’t be so many bugs…



and the spirit and the bride say, come.  and let him that heareth say, come.  and let him that is athirst come.  and whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely…

(who determined that it end there?)(the “pope”?)

the “bible” should be a “living breathing document” (much like that other holiest of books, the “united states constitution”)

i’d never thought i’d have to succumb to addressing this utterly ancient topic but i suppose i must.  if only because still the utterly ignorant among us continue to bow down to an ancient jewish text (which remains the ultimate basis of self-identification: “jew”, “christian”, “muslim” alike)…

in a psychological context, this “book” reveals much of what has constituted “human nature” for several thousand years.  first, a polygamous “patriarch” is wholly celebrated for obeying “god’s word” (read: “sexual jealousy”) for attempting to murder his firstborn son.  even in this allegedly enlightened age, suburbian housewives continue to congregate in church basements to ponder upon the “moral” of this utterly goofy story.  they themselves being intellectually incapable of “literary criticism”, they dare not criticize the author.  they merely celebrate their “father figures” for being o so obedient to “god’s word”.  this in itself speaks to their utter dependency on “sugar daddies”.  and then they subsequently have the audacity to enforce this nonsense on their male progeny?  the “feminist movement” (whatever the fuck that means) had better re-direct their venom…

furthermore, their alleged jew “savior” jesus christ submits to his “father” despite being wholly “magical” and seemingly able to supersede the laws of nature. 

dost thou sense a pattern?  

and if only to pour salt on these open wounds, these housewives sadistically celebrate his step-by-step suffering.  

“he” didn’t die for MY sins…

he died for the lot of weak feministas ashamed of their succumbing to meatheads!

(in conclusion, “christianity” (in particular “catholicism”) is a wholly feminine doctrine)

(it’s no coincidence that their “overlords” continue to sexually molest young boys)

(do priests ever molest girls?)

(for they are merely “young boys” themselves, utterly emasculated + brainwashed)


(and so in their desperate loneliness, the poor bastards attempt to sexually recruit more of their own so that they will ultimately feel they’ve “done god’s work”…)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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