"the afghani journals"

(a ‘response’ to the attacks on the ‘twin towers’)

“toresco twins”
“it’s time for bed…”
“stay level-headed instead”

(not quite ‘romulus’ + ‘remus’, but i suppose they’ll do…)

(the war continues to this very day…)

(the armies complained that they were “looking for osama bin laden…)

(but what are they doing there now?)


(‘islam’ sprang from ‘christianity’ just as surely as ‘christianity’ sprang from ‘judaism’)

(every ‘suicide bomber’ is a ‘wannabe christ’)

(fear all ‘aspiring martyrs’)
(those who ‘aspire’ to ‘martyrdom’ are the most dangerous)

next level shhhh

(ME: (mirroring he (or she) SHHH! SHUSH! STAY PUT! I WANT TO HEAR THIS

(as in ‘don’t say shit’)
(visusl / olfactory

except he’s not waiting around for his own people to turn on him.

because let’s face it, arabs are a simpler lot than jews.

they can more easily band together for a common brotherhood mission without plotting against one another (though there’s rotten apples in every bunch).

i dream of a day when network news will cover scientific progress 24/7 rather than the fight against suicide bombers. they are a mere distraction, the product of a narcissistic society. obama just put an 18-month deadline on the US mission in afghanistan. that takes us right into may 2011 to eradicate al qaeda, the perpetrators of the war against US preeminence. which is really a war against israeli preeminence. which is only the result of the post-holocaust fallout. which was the result of the chemical reaction of the narcissistic rage of a manboy and the frustrations of a recently defeated people. hitler would’ve made a great suicide bomber. during world war I, he routinely risked his life in the front lines.

the moment that hitler’s rage met the frustrations of the german people was the most recent societal ‘big bang’ before 9/11.

on CNN, world leaders speak of enabling the afghani people to ‘run their own country’. this may be a late-case asperger’s kicking in, but if the afghani people aren’t running their own country, then who is? is the country just not running? (if this is the justification, world powers should also be getting militarily involved in most african countries). all this seems to indicate to me is an ever-growing need for one world governing body. if we are defining a ‘people’ (the ‘afghanis’) by some national border set by some governing body, yet we also say that the afghani people ‘aren’t running the country’, then what makes an ‘afghani’??? US/Britain are effectively claiming that there is no legitimate governing body in afghanistan capable of ‘running the country’ at the moment. this calls for benevolent imperialism to me.

(who better than the US government to turn all the “afghanis” (those wandering nomads that can’t govern themselves to the standards set by the modern global community) into US citizens?)

(then we’d have a foothold in the middle east to legitimately combat terror)

(something else tells me that this plan would also hasten the apocalypse)

(but it could also bring peace to earth. imagine all those afghani peoples as PROUD US citizens.

(we introduce a particularly ruthless form of ‘capitalism’ and this in turn organically eradicates the fundamentalist islamic philosophy of the region)

(more greedy arab oil sheiks cavorting round ‘dubai’ and less sexually-frustrated ‘suicide bombers’ shamefully masturbating in their tents in anticipation of their rewards in the afterlife)


(would they put off their ‘mission’ because the anticipatory masturbatory fantasies were too powerful to resist?)


“now that’d make for 1 hell of a ‘stand-up routine’!”















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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