“the vagina”

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(most preferred)
(as in ‘pussy cat’)


‘vagina’ –> latin for ‘sheath’ or ‘scabbard’
(used to hold swords + guns)

plasma seepage through vaginal walls due to vascular engorgement

(produced during sexual arousal)
(though wholly unnecessary)

(in mammals, the vagina is a muscular and tubular part of the female genital tract, which in humans extends from the vulva to the ‘cervix’)

(the outer vaginal opening may be partly covered by a membrane called the ‘hymen’)

(at the deep end, the cervix (neck of the uterus) bulges into the vagina)

(the ‘vagina’ allows for sexual intercourse and childbirth, and channels menstrual flow, which occurs periodically as part of the ‘menstrual cycle’)

(the ‘vagina’ has been studied in humans more than it has been in other animals)

(its location and structure varies among species, and may vary in size within the same species)

(‘female mammals’ usually have the opening of the urethra of the urinary system separate to the vaginal opening of the genital tract)

(this is different to male mammals, who usually have a single opening, the external urethral opening for both urination and ‘reproduction’)

(the ‘vaginal opening’ is much larger than the nearby urethral opening, and both are protected by the labia in ‘humans’)

(in amphibians, birds, reptiles and monotremes, the cloaca is the single external opening for the gastrointestinal tract and the ‘urinary’ and ‘reproductive’ tracts)

(to accommodate smoother penetration of the ‘vagina’ during sexual intercourse or other sexual activity, vaginal moisture increases during sexual arousal in human females and also in other female mammals)

can you fuck a dry pussy?
should you be insulted if a girl doesn’t
(or is it a chance it has nothing to do with you)
(i never gave emma an orgasm)
(she would have to finger herself for a few minutes after i reached orgasm)

(this increase in moisture is ‘vaginal lubrication’, which reduces ‘friction’)

(the texture of the vaginal walls creates friction for the penis during sexual intercourse and stimulates it toward ejaculation, enabling ‘fertilization’)

(along with pleasure and bonding, women’s sexual behavior with others (which can include heterosexual or lesbian sexual activity) can result in sexually transmitted infections (STIs), the risk of which can be reduced by recommended safe sex practices)

(other disorders may also affect the ‘human vagina’)

(the ‘vagina’ and ‘vulva’ have evoked strong reactions in societies throughout history, including negative perceptions and language, cultural taboos, and their use as symbols for female sexuality, spirituality, or regeneration of life)

(in common speech, the word vagina is often used to refer to the ‘vulva’ or to the female genitals in general)



(by its ‘dictionary’ + ‘anatomical definitions’, however, vagina refers exclusively to the specific internal structure, and understanding the distinction can improve knowledge of the female genitalia and aid in ‘health care communication’)


















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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