weirdos (lyrics)

(doctor giving prognosis in nasally montone jewish voice:)

“obsessive compulsive…anal retentive…borderline schizophrenic…”

wacko to weird, whacked with the weirdo stamp
i’ve stolen their trophies and i’ve buried the champ

he came to the edge and there he stood and he grinned
he could not afford to throw his weight to the wind

so he went wacko to weird without that rest assured
he was pressured to panic so he don’t grow bored

he was backed in a corner so he gave what he got
it all would’ve ended with a singular shot…


some cometh out
some cometh in
some suspect from the start
and some barely begin

i’ll only say this once
only once will i say
i’ll let you know we’re gonna zoom zoom zoom
so don’t throw me away…

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