(i first performed a solo show there on saturday 19 march 2011)
on my facebook invite, emma and roboray were the only ones to respond…i felt kinda guilty as roboray wasn’t welcome to perform…
my girlfriend emma wolin and her mother melissa cox were in attendance…i performed solo (as roboray and i were broken up at the time)…it was a thoroughly disastrous show (though i was in particularly good voice as my self-inflicted video proves)…i performed for several hours but was not applauded at all (the same self-inflicted video shows that whenever i concluded a song (making it obvious with a loud crescendo) all i heard were either digs from the shitty middle-aged wankers or nothing at all…i’d always thought that a few sympathetic females in the audience could augment their applause with a few “woos!” to silence the jealous male masses but alas that was not the case)…i believe the performance contributed to the breakup of emma and i the very next week…yet again a middle-aged man turned emma off to me…after one of my songs, he brashly came up to me and requested that “you’d sound better if you’d turn it down” (even though i was playing solo in a venue that routinely featured loud live middle-aged bands)…emma had only heard me perform once before…and that time, the daughter of the guido owner of “caffe cielo” had double-booked the friday night (despite my multiple unanswered confirmations to her)…roboray and i performed for about 15 minutes before this rude guido pulled the plug because we were “playing too loud” (despite the fact that roboray was playing brushsticks on drums)…
via text emma requested i dedicate a song to her mother @ the rolf’s show…so i played the beatles’ “here there and everywhere” and dedicated it to mother + daughter…it was the first time that our mothers met…mama mentioned that she was “young”…she also said that melissa was an admirer of mine…emma spotted AI but they never met…they left before the show was over because her mother had to go to sleep…she gave me a lip kiss before she left and said she was “so proud of me” (just like she does with her daddy)…she said she wanted to hang out more than 2 times a week…emma called me @ 12:30am and i called her back…she didn’t answer…
i met frederick marigliano via AI in late 2010 / early 2011. he attended my march 2011 performance @ rolf’s. all he had to say about the performance was “the second half was better than the first half” (conveniently AFTER emma + melissa had already departed)…go fucking figure…
the next week emma graciously informed me that some “retired cop” (aka “old man”) winked at her @ my rolf’s gig the weekend before and told her that she was too young to be sitting at the bar “but he wouldn’t tell”…
i also noted via facebook that she had “hung out” before the show with a fellow jew a few years older than her. his name was “maximillian brandell”