-as of [28 APRIL 2024]–
-“organ donation” is the ‘donation’ of ‘biological tissue/organ’ of the ‘human body’ from a ‘living’/‘dead’ person to a ‘living recipient’ in need of a ‘transplantation’-
(transplantable ‘organs’ + ’tissues’ are removed in a ‘surgical procedure’ following a ‘determination’, based on the donor’s ‘medical’ and ‘social’ history, of which are suitable for ‘transplantation’)
(such procedures are termed ‘allotransplantations’, distinguish them from ‘xenotransplantation’, the transfer of ‘animal organs’ into ‘human bodies’)
(or more precisely, “non-human animals”)
(as of ’21 june 2013′, there are 118,617 people waiting for ‘life-saving organ transplants’ in the USA)
(of these, 96,645 await ‘kidney transplants’)
(while views of ‘organ donation’ are ‘positive’ there is a large gap between the numbers of ‘registered donors’ compared to those awaiting ‘organ donations’ on a ‘global level’)
(the youngest organ donor was a ‘baby’ with ‘anencephaly’ (born in ‘2015’) who lived for only ‘100 minutes’ and donated his ‘kidneys’ to an ‘adult’ with ‘renal failure’)
(in the same ‘year’, ‘researchers’ from the ‘ganogen research institute’ transplanted ‘human fetal kidneys’ from ‘therapeutic abortions’, including from fetuses with ‘anencephaly’, into animals for future transplantation into human patients)
(the ‘animals’ were able to survive on the ‘human kidney’ alone, demonstrating both ‘function’ and ‘growth’ of the ‘human organ’)