“the AD”



(“entryway detail”)


(a continuation of the “alpha delta phi” fraternity)


(the A.D. Club is a ‘final club’ established at ‘harvard university’ in ‘1836’, the continuation of a ‘chapter’ of the ‘alpha delta phi fraternity’ existing as an ‘honorary chapter’ until ‘1846’, and then as a ‘regular chapter’ until the ‘late 1850s’)


(at that time, owing to the prevailing sentiment against such ‘societies’, it became a ‘strictly secret society’, known among its members as the “haidee,” the name of a ‘college boat’)


(the ‘chapter’ surrendered its ‘charter’ in ‘1865’, and has since existed as the ‘A.D. club’)



(i was not punched for the club)

most of my ‘lacrosse friends’ from year 2 got in)

(they were never even able to get me in)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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