-as of [2 JANUARY 2025]-
(”rules of engagement’)
(an ‘athletic judge’ of sorts)
“(be a) ‘good sport'”
(“or else…?”)
(“or else ‘what’?)
(‘british english’)
(‘american anglish’)
includes all forms of ‘competitive physical activity’ or ‘games’ which, through ‘casual’ or ‘organized’ participation, aim to ‘use’, ‘maintain’, or ‘improve physical ability and skills while providing ‘enjoyment’ to ‘participants’, and in some cases, ‘entertainment’ for ‘spectators’)
(define ‘enjoy’)
(mostly i hear this ‘phrase via female ‘ASMR artists’)
(as in ‘i hope you enjoy’…)
(usually the contest or game is between two ‘sides’, each attempting to exceed the other)
(some sports allow a “tie game”; others provide tie-breaking methods, to ensure 1 ‘winner’ and 1 ‘loser’)
(a number of such 2-sided contests may be arranged in a ‘tournament’ producing a ‘champion’)
(many sports leagues make an annual ‘champion’ by arranging ‘games’ in a regular sports ‘season’, followed in some cases by ‘playoffs’)
(hundreds of sports exist, from those between ‘single contestants’, through to those with hundreds of simultaneous participants, either in teams or competing as ‘individuals’)
(In certain sports such as ‘racing’, many contestants may compete, each against each other, with 1 ‘winner’)
(‘sport’ is generally recognized as system of activities which are based in ‘physical athleticism’ or ‘physical dexterity’, with the largest major competitions such as the ‘olympic games’ admitting only ‘sports’ meeting this definition, and other ‘organizations’ such as the ‘council of europe’ using definitions precluding ‘activities’ without a ‘physical’ element from classification as ‘sports’)
(however, a number of ‘competitive’, but non-physical, activities claim recognition as ‘mind sports’)
(the ‘mind’ IS ‘physical’ you fucking fools!”)
(‘mental’ is a subset of ‘physical’)
(not a distinct categorization)
(and furthermore, what difference does it make?)
(it’s only a fucking ‘game’)
(all for ‘sport’)
(the ‘international olympic committee’ (through ‘ARISF’) recognizes both ‘chess’ and ‘bridge’ as bona fide sports, and ‘SportAccord’, the ‘international sports federation association’, recognizes 5 “non-physical sports”: ‘bridge’, ‘chess’, ‘draughts’ (checkers), ‘go’ and xiangqi’), and limits the # of ‘mind games’ which can be admitted as ‘sports’)
(‘sports’ are usually governed by a set of ‘rules’ or ‘customs’, which serve to ensure ‘fair competition’ and allow consistent ‘adjudication of the winner’)
(‘winning’ can be determined by physical events such as ‘scoring goals’ or “crossing a line first”)
(it can also be determined by judges who are scoring elements of the ‘sporting performance’, including ‘objective’ or ‘subjective’ measures such as ‘technical performance’ or ‘artistic impression’)
(“records of performance” are often kept, and for popular sports, this information may be widely announced or reported in ‘sport news’)
(‘sport’ is also a major source of ‘entertainment’ for ‘non-participants’, with ‘spectator sport’ drawing large crowds to ‘sport venues’, and reaching wider audiences through ‘broadcasting’)
(‘sports betting’ is in some cases severely regulated, and in some cases is central to the ‘sport’)
(according to ‘A.T. Kearney’, a consultancy, the global sporting industry is worth up to $620 billion as of ‘2013’)
(the world’s most ‘accessible’ + ‘practiced’ sport is ‘running’, while ‘association football’ is its most popular ‘spectator sport’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥