
*an (absence of?) ‘color’ that does not ’emit’/‘reflect’ (visible?) light*

“true black” is complete ‘absorption’ of ‘visible light’ (energy?) by ‘matter’*

(as in ‘black holes’)

(or the absence of ‘visible light’ to begin with)



(the noun)

(not the adjective for ‘not heavy’)

(not the verb for ‘setting a fire’)


(or “kicking someone’s ass”)

“he lit you up alright!”




(root of “black”)


*’black’ is the ‘darkest color’*

*the result of the ‘absence’ or ‘complete absorption’ of ‘visible light’*


(it is an ‘a-chromatic color’)
(literally a ‘color’ without ‘hue’)


(‘opposite’ of ‘black’)


(‘median’ of ‘black’)


(it is often used (‘symbolically’ / ‘figuratively’) to represent ‘darkness’)

(while its opposite – ‘white’ – represents ‘light’)


(‘black ink’ is the most common color used for printing…)






(…because it has the highest contrast with ‘white paper’ + is the ‘easiest to read’)


(for the same reason, ‘black text’ on a ‘white screen’ is the most common format used on ‘computer screens’)

(in ‘color printing’, it is used along with the subtractive primaries (‘cyan’ / ‘yellow’ / ‘magenta’, in order to help produce the ‘darkest shades’)


(‘black’ / ‘white’ have often been used to describe ‘opposites’, particularly…)

‘truth’ / ‘ignorance’


‘good’ / ‘evil’


‘the dark ages’ / ‘age of enlightenment’


(since the ‘middle ages’, ‘black’ has been the ‘symbolic color’ of ‘solemnity’ + ‘authority’)

(…and for this reason is still commonly worn by ‘judges’ + ‘magistrates’)


(‘black’ was one of the first colors used by artists in ‘neo-lithic cave paintings’)


(in the ‘1300s’, it began to be worn in ‘europe’ by…)



*the ‘clergy’*



‘government officials’

(in much of ‘europe’)


(it became the ‘color’ worn in ‘1800s england’ by…)

‘romantic poets’

‘business men’

‘states men’


(….and was a ‘high fashion’ color in the ‘1900s’)


(in the ‘roman empire’, it became the color of ‘mourning’…)

(…and over the centuries it was frequently associated with…)







(according to surveys in ‘europe’ + ‘north america’, it is the color most commonly associated with…)


‘the end’


‘(black?) magic’







*TLDR* –>

(in short, just about ‘everything!)

(*”quite a few implications there!”*)

*cue “blackout babies”*

(my baby couldn’t read)











👈👈👈 ☜ *“COLORS”*











🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥