*body hair*

(“no homo!”)


















*aka ‘andro-genic hair’*




*’body hair’ is the ‘terminal hair’ that develops on the ‘human body’ during and after ‘puberty’*


It is differentiated from the head hair and less visible vellus hair, which is much finer and lighter in color.

The growth of androgenic hair is related to the level of androgens (often referred to as male hormones) and the density of androgen receptors in the dermal papillae.

Both must reach a threshold for the proliferation of hair follicle cells.

From childhood onward, regardless of sex, vellus hair covers almost the entire area of the human body


Exceptions include…

the lips;

the backs of the ears;

the palms of hands;

the soles of the feet;

certain external genital areas;

the navel;

‘scar tissue’


(the density of ‘hair’ – i.e. the # of ‘hair follicles’ per ‘unit area’ of ‘skin’ – varies from person to person)

(in many cases, areas on the human body that contain vellus hair will begin to produce darker and thicker body hair, such as the first growth of beard hair on a male and female adolescent’s previously smooth chin; although it may appear thinner on the ‘female’)

(androgenic hair follows the same growth pattern as the hair that grows on the scalp, but with a shorter anagen phase and longer ‘telogen phase’)

(while the anagen phase for the hair on one’s head lasts for years, the androgenic hair growth phase for body hair lasts a few months)

(the ‘telogen phase’ for ‘body hair’ lasts close to a year)

(this ‘shortened growing period’ + ‘extended dormant period’ explains why the hair on the head tends to be much longer than other hair found on the body)

(differences in ‘length’ seen in comparing the hair on the back of the hand and pubic hair, for example, can be explained by varied growth cycles in those 2 regions)

(the same goes for differences in body hair length seen in different people, especially when comparing men + women)






👈👈👈☜*“HAIR”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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