-as of [8 FEBRUARY 2025]


*7 february 2015* —>

forced down two microweable chicken burritos before bed @ 5am to end my robotrip…wasn’t hungry…

(just made me feel sick to my stomach)


18 august 2014:

cheryl brought me food on thursday…

i ate 6 burritos / 8 packs of peanut butter ritz crackers / 2 beef ravioli microwave tins…now i’ve got two tins of (“kids”) macaroni and cheese…but the alcohol withdrawals have curbed my appetite…

should i stay up all of monday?

nope i got hungry and bored again…ate my last burrito and a spinach hot pocket…at least i’m not hungry…

ate 2 burritos and peanut butter / chocolate…running low on food…

ate a burrito / chips / string cheese…

so i slept until past noon…i needed that…after eating 3 burritos…



2 steak burritos / 2 cheese burritos

so i got too blasted last night…went to bed @ 3am…fell into the refrigerator…knocked over microwave / fridge / spilled indian food…also ate burrito / cheese / crackers…

now the shakes are sinking in…ate two burritos + some cheese and crackers…having a good time quenching my thirst…

ate 6 white castle burgers / burrito / 2 french bread pizzas…

ate my burritos and french bread pizza…

i’ve been eating out of sheer boredom…cupcake / bean + cheese burrito / finished off all the string cheese…i’ve still got 12 days left in the month…

amy’s burritos and razorblades tomorrow at “lunchtime”

(should i eat something sometime in between?)

(ate another burrito before bed)

i’ll fast on sunday

(i ate another burrito and the ‘thai microwave noodles’)



👈👈👈☜*“BURRITOS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥