(‘denarius’ of ‘charlemagne’s face’)
(“denarius” –> ‘silver coin’)
(french form of ‘denarius: “denier” )
(coined in ‘frankfurt’)
(‘812’? – ‘814’?)
(inscription “KAROLVS IMP AVG” (or “karolus imperator augustus”) in ‘latin’)
(currently displayed @ “cabinet des médailles’ in ‘paris’)
(born ‘2 april 742’)
(or 747?)
(or 748?)
(died ’28 january 814′)
(‘age 72’?)
(‘2 april ‘742”? (/ ‘747’? / ‘748’?) – ’28 january 814′)
(also known as charles the great)
‘latin’ –> carolus or karolus magnus
(or charles I)
(“charlemagne” was “king of the franks”)
(‘8th century’ –> ‘9th century’)
(‘700s’ –> ‘800s’)
(‘proto-france’ + ‘proto-germany’)
(“the dark ages”)
(he united most of ‘western europe’ during the ‘early middle ages and laid the foundations’ for modern ‘france’ and ‘germany’)
(he took the ‘frankish throne’ in ‘768’ (age 26) and became ‘king of italy’ from ‘774’ onwards (‘age 32’))
(from ‘800’ (onwards) he became the first ‘holy roman emperor’ (‘age 58′) — the first recognized ’emperor’ in ‘western europe’ since the fall of the ‘western roman empire’ 3 centuries earlier (‘~ “476AD”))
(while ‘charlemagne’ already ruled his ‘kingdom’ without the help of the ‘pope’, recognition from the ‘pontiff’ granted him ‘divine legitimacy’ in the eyes of his ‘contemporaries’)
(the expanded frankish state ‘charlemagne’ founded was called the ‘carolingian empire’)
(the oldest son of ‘pepin the short’ and ‘bertrada of laon’, ‘charlemagne’ became ‘king’ in ‘768’ following the death of his ‘father’)
(he was initially ‘co-ruler’ with his younger brother ‘carloman I’)
(carloman’s sudden death in ‘771’ under ‘unexplained circumstances’ left ‘charlemagne’ as the ‘undisputed ruler’ of the ‘frankish kingdom’)
(‘charlemagne’ continued his father’s policy towards the ‘papacy’ and became its ‘protector’, removing the ‘lombards’ from power in ‘northern italy’, and leading an ‘incursion’ into ‘muslim spain’)
(he also campaigned against the ‘saxons’ to his east, ‘christianizing’ them upon “‘penalty’ of ‘death'”, leading to events such as the “‘massacre of ‘verden'”)
(sounds like a ‘good christian’ to me!)
(‘charlemagne’ reached the height of his ‘power’ in ‘800’ when he was crowned emperor of the romans by ‘pope leo III’ on ‘christmas day’ at “old saint peter’s ‘basilica'”)
(called the “father of europe” (aka ‘pater europae’), ‘charlemagne’ united most of ‘western europe’ for the first time since the ‘roman empire’)
(his rule spurred the ‘carolingian renaissance’, a period of energetic ‘cultural’ and ‘intellectua’l activity within the ‘church’)
(both the ‘french’ and ‘german monarchies’ considered their ‘kingdoms’ to be descendants of charlemagne’s ’empire’)
(‘charlemagne’ died in ‘814’, having ruled as ’emperor’ for just over ’13 years’)
(he was ‘laid to rest’ in his imperial capital of ‘aachen’ in what is today ‘germany’)
(his son “louis the pious” succeeded him)
👈👈👈☜*“FRANKISH LEADERS”* ☞ 👉👉👉
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥