crossroads theatre

andrea kramer
(friend of maria kenwell)


owner of “ballet forte” (in wings conservatory)

(from lambertville NJ)

shara reichwald

producer: NJAC

on 26 may 2010, NJ Arts Collaborative (NJAC) will host their sixth annual showcase featuring visual and performing artists from around the Garden State. Entitled SCARS: Striving to Create Art that heals, Renews, and Strengthens, this year’s event focuses on the restorative power of the arts and will be held at 7:00PM on Wednesday, May 26, at Crossroads Theatre in New Brunswick

(7 livingston avenue)
(off county road 527S)

SCARS includes a gallery exhibit with pieces by fine artists and a stage show with performances by professional dancers, singers, actors, and musicians.

Tickets are $20 general admission. For ticket reservations, call (908)879-8717 or email Tickets may also be purchased at the door.

To further this year’s mission of the healing power of the arts, NJAC will also be collecting donations for Dress for Success Hudson County’s Career Gear program. Please bring new or gently used shoes, handbags, men’s ties, shirts, hosiery, makeup, jewelry, and toiletries to the SCARS performance at Crossroads Theatre.

to learn more about NJAC, go to

*performing original songs ‘don juan’ + ‘timber’*

‘don juan’ is named after a firstrate teacher. and how his students learn their most important lessons through the teachers’ own misfortunes. ‘timber’ relates to the death of an innocent in a seemingly senseless tragedy. and the communal resolve to collectively learn our most important lessons in the wake of such a sorrowful occurrence.

(shine any kind of light on me, just nothing too bright!)

hoping 2 sell as many tickets as i possibly can

crossroads theater:
(26 may 2010)

wednesday evening
(hosted by NJAC: “new jersey arts collaborative”)

maria kenwell hooked me up with the gig
(olivia performed there for years)
(the show is organized by dance instructor andrea kramer)

i had to drive out to chester on a sunday night to “audition” for the show…

at least i made the cut…
(and was even thanked for my prompt e-mail response)

the dress rehearsal was @ 3pm
(curtains opened @ 7pm)

olivia and i drove out there together that day…

that was back when the pickup on my taylor acoustic guitar was still working…

i even had a dressing room…
(which i shared with a few other “performers”)

1 backstage before SCARS concert (june 2010)

april pics (v2) 006


in 2012 i contacted andrea kramer about performing at the SCARS show…she wasn’t running the show any longer…

(my mother told me she was too busy)

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