“crossroads” (themes)


(“Cross Road Blues” (more commonly known as “crossroads“) is a blues song written and recorded by American blues artist ‘Robert Johnson’ in 1936)

(‘Johnson’ performed it as a solo piece with his vocal and acoustic slide guitar in the Delta blues-style)

(the song has become part of the ‘Robert Johnson’ mythology as referring to the place where he supposedly sold his soul to the Devil in exchange for his musical talents, although the lyrics do not contain any specific references)

(bluesman ‘Elmore James’ revived the song with recordings in 1954 and 1960–1961)

(english guitarist ‘Eric Clapton’ with Cream popularized the song as “Crossroads” in the late 1960s)

(their ‘blues rock’ interpretation inspired many cover versions and the “Rock and Roll Hall of Fame” included it as one of the “500 Songs That Shaped Rock and Roll”)

(Rolling Stone placed it at #3 on the magazine’s list of the “Greatest Guitar Songs of All Time” in recognition of Clapton’s guitar work)

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