9 linden street
(‘cambridge’ / ‘massachusetts’)
(the ‘delphic club’ WAS an all-male ‘final club’ at ‘harvard university’)
(now it is ‘co-educational’)
(what are the ‘gender demographics’ now?)
(why did they do this?)
(and what of the ‘transgenders’?)
(the 2 clubs’ decision comes the same month that the college’s ‘historic policy’ penalizing members of single-gender ‘final clubs’ and ‘greek organizations’ (announced in ‘may 2016’) goes into effect for the ‘class of 2021’)
(under the policy, ‘undergraduate members’ of harvard’s ‘single-gender social groups’ — starting with the current ‘freshman class’ — are barred from ‘campus leadership positions’, ‘athletic team captaincies’, and certain ‘prestigious fellowships’)
(the policy may change, however)
(a ‘committee’ charged with reviewing the college’s ‘social group penalties’ recommended this summer that ‘harvard’ repeal the current policy and instead implement a ‘total ban’ on ‘campus social groups’, whether ‘single-gender’ or ‘co-ed’)
(university president ‘drew g faust’ is set to make a ‘final decision’ regarding the ‘social group penalties’ later this ‘semester’)
(in ‘august 2017’, the ‘delphic’ and the all-female ‘bee club’ agreed to share premises as a ‘precursor’ to an ‘eventual merger’)
(not sure if it is possible for members to ‘sleep over’ at the club)
(but if they did, wouldn’t this be in violation of some other ‘school policy’?)
(as ‘co-eds’ living in same dorms probably aren’t allowed to have overnight ‘guests’)
“and what of the trannies?”
(i believe the ‘groups of 8 ‘blocking groups’ were ‘co-ed’)
(how many ‘transgenders’ did we have in our ‘class of 2006?’)
“where are they now?”
‘(so-called SJW’: (prepare for the elimination of ‘sex discrimination’)
In the basement is a panelled living room for entertaining visitors.
(what an absolutely effective antonym!)
(for the newst crop of ‘gender-friendly policymakers’ that is)
(it was founded in ‘1900’ when the ‘delta phi fraternity’ decided to re-establish a ‘fraternity’ at ‘harvard’ known as the ‘zeta chapter’ (1885))
(the membership voted to become a ‘final club’ in ‘1900’ and in ‘1902’ severed ties with the ‘national fraternity’ (to which it had maintained only loose ties))
(after its creation, there were only a few members, so the club would burn gas lights at all hours to suggest that the club was busy ‘day’ + ‘night’)
(as a result, the club earned the nickname of “the gas”)
“ha! now how ‘bout that!””
(a famous (+ possibly ‘apocryphal’) story has it that dear little ’JP morgan’ (junior) (/ class of ‘1889’, joined ‘the gas’ when he didn’t get into his club of choice)
(according to the harvard crimson, he then financed the creation of his own club (the ‘delphic’) from the ‘frat’)
(the club was initially located at ’52 (+ 59) brattle street’ before moving to ’72 mount auburn street’. where it was housed from ‘1887’ to ‘1903’)
(the current home of the club is at ‘9 linden street’, steps from ‘harvard yard’ and a few blocks from ‘harvard square’)
(it was designed by ‘james purdon’ (class of 1895) in the ‘neo-georgian style’ and occupied beginning (sometime ‘round) ~ ‘1902’ / ~1903’)
(the design features the ‘red brick’ + ‘cornices’ typical of ‘harvard yard’)
(the ‘interior’ contains… )
numerous large ‘common spaces’
an ‘oversize formal dining room’
(on the 2nd floor)
(for ‘large events’)
no ‘living quarters’
a ‘regulation squash court’
a a ‘paneled living room’ in the ‘basement’
(for entertaining visitors)
(myself included)
(as with the other ‘final clubs’, the ‘delphic’ is not officially affiliated with ‘harvard university’ + is not recognized by the ‘university’)
(the ‘delphic’ is governed by a ‘trust’ with a ‘board of directors’ composed of ‘alumni’)
(the ‘final clubs’ all operate independently of the ‘university’ since their founding…)
(…following the expulsion of ‘fraternities’ from the ‘campus’ in the ‘1850s’)
(however, whatever tenuous ‘association’ there had been with ‘harvard’ was officially severed in 1984 as a consequence of the ‘title IX’ provision of the 1972 ’american education amendments’, which arguably would have required a ‘sex-neutral admissions policy’)
(the emergence of all-female final clubs since the ‘1990s’ has followed the same model, with the new clubs also operating independently of the university’)
(the break was largely symbolic as the clubs already operated independently, but they lost access to the ‘harvard phone exchange’ and the ability to buy ‘steam heat’ from the ‘university’)
👈👈👈☜*“CO-ED FINAL CLUBS”* ☞ 👉👉👉
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥