-dental cavities-


-as of [28 APRIL 2024]






(CARE eese)

(‘caries’ CAUSE ‘cavities’)


*AKA* –>

tooth decay


-[dental caries] is a [breakdown] of [teeth] due to activities of [bacteria]-


(the ‘cavities’ may be a number of different colors from ‘yellow’ to ‘black’)

(symptoms may include ‘pain’ and difficulty with ‘eating’)

(complications may include ‘inflammation’ of the ’tissue’ around the ‘tooth’, ‘tooth loss’, and ‘infection’ or ‘abscess formation’)

(the cause of ‘caries’ is ‘bacterial breakdown’ of the ‘hard tissues’ of the ‘teeth’ (‘enamel’ / ‘dentin’ / ‘cementum’))

(this occurs due to ‘acid’ made from ‘food debris’ or ‘sugar’ on the ‘tooth surface’)

(‘simple sugars’ in ‘food’ are these bacteria’s ‘primary energy source’ and thus a ‘diet’ high in ‘simple sugar’ is a risk factor)

(if ‘mineral breakdown’ is greater than ‘build-up’ from sources such as ‘saliva’, ‘caries’ results)


(‘risk factors’ include conditions that result in less ‘saliva’ such as…)

‘diabetes mellitus’

‘sjogren’s syndrome’

*certain ‘medications’*


*’medications’ that decrease ‘saliva production’ include ‘anti-histamines’ + ‘anti-depressants’ among others*


(‘caries’ is also associated with…)


‘poor cleaning of the mouth’

‘receding gums’
(esulting in ‘exposure’ of the ‘roots’ of the ‘teeth’)


(‘prevention’ includes…)

‘regular cleaning of the teeth’

a ‘diet’ low in ‘sugar’

small amounts of ‘fluoride’


(‘brushing’ the ‘teeth’ 2 times per day and ‘flossing’ between the teeth once a day is recommended by many)

(‘fluoride’ may be from ‘water’, ‘salt’, or ‘toothpaste’ among other sources)

(treating a mother’s ‘dental caries’ may decrease the risk in her children by decreasing the numbers of certain bacteria)

(‘screening’ can result in earlier detection)

(depending on the extent of ‘destruction’, various treatments can be used to restore the tooth to ‘proper function’ or the tooth may be removed)

(there is no known method to grow back large amounts of tooth)

(the availability of treatment is often poor in the ‘developing world’)

(‘paracetamol’ (aka ‘acetaminophen’) or ‘ibuprofen’ may be taken for ‘pain’)

(worldwide, approximately 2.43 billion people (36% of the population) have ‘dental caries’ in their ‘permanent teeth’)

(the ‘world health organization’ estimates that nearly all adults have ‘dental caries’ at some point in time)

(in ‘baby teeth’, it affects about 620 million people or 9% of the population)

(they have become more common in both ‘children’ and ‘adults’ in recent years)

(the disease is most common in the ‘developed world’ and less common in the ‘developing world’ due to greater ‘simple sugar consumption’)

(“caries” is latin for “rottenness”)








👈👈👈☜*“TOOTH AILMENTS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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