“ellen andersson”


(born “6 february 1994”)



met her while busking outside frist campus center
(she was with anne-katrine)

how’s that gorgeous scandinavian rear end of yours?
you should donate it to the smithsonian!

no responde…that’s OK…
i didn’t know swedes could be so rude!

(from sweden)
(another au pair?)

lives in washington DC
(was she visiting anne-katrine?)

(NOT a fan of joga fb page)
(she defanned it)
(after i requested she fan the page)

MARCH 2016:

  • JoGa Bot

    u are so strange


    i dont know whats going on with you


    or where you expect to end up

  • Ellen Andersson

    3/1, 9:12pm


    Ellen Andersson

    What? Why am I strange ? 😅

  • JoGa Bot

    3/1, 9:13pm


    JoGa Bot

    you end up defanning my page




    i’m like…ok

  • Ellen Andersson

    3/1, 9:13pm


    Ellen Andersson

    Not on purpose

  • JoGa Bot

    3/1, 9:14pm


    JoGa Bot

    so black rappers are better than me


    i’m nothing…kanyes way better

  • Ellen Andersson

    3/1, 9:14pm


    Ellen Andersson


  • JoGa Bot

    3/1, 9:14pm


    JoGa Bot

    yea haha


    until hes butt fucking taylor swift


    i wana see you with a black guy


    you like their music so much


    i wanna see you with big black


    that’ll be the ultimate affirmation


    you and a big black man in total love


    because that’s what you want right?


    not my music


(castigated her for deliking music page)

I Did ? Sorry haha

3 DECEMBER 2015:

(tried reaching out to her on fb in vain)

9 NOVEMBER 2015:

(hit her up saturday 7 november 2015)
(“hows DC?”)
(no response)

then i got crude…

(she didn’t respond)

26 AUGUST 2015:

told her i was “totally heartbroken” that she defanned my music page
(via facebook)

(no response)
(but she didn’t defriend me)

23 JULY 2015:

we are snapchat friends…exchanged a few pics…but now i note that she’s no longer a fan of the fb page…asked her to fan it again…we’ll see…at least she responds to me…

asked her to friend joga fb page
(she complied)

(until she talks to anne-katrine)



👈👈👈☜*back to “ELLEN” (APOSTATES)* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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