*the european union*



(as of ‘1 february 2018’)



(“delegation of the ‘european union'”)




(as of ‘1 december 2020’)

























































(until withdrawal on ’30 january 2020′)



(standardizing organization)



*the ‘european union’ was formally established when the ‘maastricht treaty’ (whose main architects were ‘helmut kohl’ (of ‘germany’) and ‘françois mitterrand’ (of ‘france’)) came into force on ‘1 november 1993’*


(both designers were ‘devout catholics’)

(karina’s birthday!)


(the ‘maastricht treaty’ established the ‘european union’ in 1993 and introduced ‘european citizenship’)


(the european union (EU) is a ‘political’ and ‘economic’ union of ’28 member states’ that are located (primarily?) in ‘europe’)

(what’s a ‘union’ to you ‘euros’?)
(like a ‘labor union’?)
(or like our non-slaveholding forefathers ‘union’?)

(so says “the ugly american”)


(it has an area of 4,475,757 km2 (1,728,099 sq mi), and an estimated population of over ‘510 million’)

(less than half of india)
(i scoff!)

(recite as in catholic mass:)
(“so sayeth ‘the ugly american'”)

(jeff rolland’s shout-out to joga at his barmitzfah!)
(that had to have earned me a few ‘jewish messiah’ points right then n there!)
(as RR pats my knee like a proud ‘(surrogate) parent’ he is)


(the ‘EU’ has developed an ‘internal single market’ through a standardized system of laws that apply in all ‘member states’)


(EU policies aim to…)

ensure the free movement of ‘people’, ‘goods’, ‘services’, and ‘capital’ within the ‘internal market’


enact legislation’ in ‘justice’ and ‘home affairs’


maintain common policies on ‘trade’, ‘agriculture’, ‘fisheries’, and ‘regional development’


(within the ‘schengen area’, ‘passport controls’ have been ‘abolished’)

(“hey emma, have you (ever) been to the ‘schengen area’?”)
(so sayeth “the ugly american”)

“(boy) have i ever!”
“and what an ‘area’ it (once) was!”


(a ‘monetary union’ was established in ‘1999’ and came into full force in ‘2002’, and is composed of ’19 EU member states’ which use the ‘euro’ currency)

(the ‘EU’ operates through a ‘hybrid system’ of ‘supra-national’ – ‘inter-governmental’ decision-making)


(the 7 principal ‘decision-making bodies’ (known as the ‘institutions’ of the ‘european union’) are as follows…)

*the ‘european council’*


*the ‘council of the ‘european union”
(redundant much?)


*the ‘european parliament’*


*the ‘european commission’*


*the ‘court of ‘justice’ of the ‘european union”*


*the ‘european central bank’*


*the ‘european court of ‘auditors”*


(the ‘EU’ traces its origins from the ‘european ‘coal’ and ‘steel’ community’ (‘ECSC’) and the ‘european economic community’ (‘EEC’), formed by the ‘Inner 6’ countries in ‘1951’ and ‘1958’, respectively)

(the ‘community’ and its ‘successors’ have grown in ‘size’ (by the ‘accession’ of ‘new member states’) and in ‘power’ (by the addition of ‘policy areas’ to its ‘remit’)

(the latest major ‘amendment’ to the ‘constitutional basis’ of the ‘EU’ (the ‘treaty of lisbon’) came into force in ‘2009’)

(covering ‘7.3%’ of the ‘world population’, the ‘EU’ in 2016 generated a ‘nominal gross domestic product’ (‘GDP’) of ‘16.477 trillion US dollars’, constituting approximately ‘22.2%’ of ‘global nominal GDP’ + ‘16.9%’ when measured in terms of ‘purchasing power parity’)

(additionally, 26 (of 28) EU countries have a very high (?) ‘human development index’)
(according to the ‘united nations development program’)

(in 2012, the ‘EU’ was awarded the ‘nobel peace prize’)

(what for?)
(for not starting any wars?)
(that’s even more puzzling than the ‘obama nobel peace prize’ nonsense!)
(but of course it came as no surprise when ‘bob dylan’ got his very own ‘nobel prize’)
(and disappeared into ‘the mountains’ for days)


(through the ‘common foreign + security policy’, the ‘EU’ has developed a role in ‘external relations’ and ‘defense’)


(the ‘union’ maintains ‘permanent diplomatic missions’ throughout the world and represents itself at the ‘united nations’, the ‘world trade organization’, the ‘G7’, and the ‘G20’)


(because of its ‘global influence’, the ‘european union’ has been described as an ’emerging super-power’)






👈👈👈☜*“EUROPE”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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