1 ferry to governor's island IMG_9583

13 JUNE 2010:

then i performed a solo “show” @ the 3-day FIGMENT concert series on governor’s island…

(june 11 – 13)
(friday – sunday
(i believe i performed on the sunday)

JC Cassis lined me up with the gig…

i wasn’t selected for the “main stage”…

“when you get off the ferry, either from Brooklyn or Manhattan, walk to the right around the perimeter of the island and you will come to a long, straight road that leads right down to the Point Stage. It’s probably about a 30 minute walk, perhaps a bit longer if you’re carrying equipment, so please allow time for that. Ferries leave every 30 mins from Manhattan and continuously from Brooklyn, and the ride itself is about 5 minutes, but PLEASE NOTE you should show up way early for ferries in case there are huge lines to get on them, which there probably will be…”

13 june 2010
(sunday 11am – 6pm)

governor’s island

(to learn more visit

(joga features on the Picnic Point Stage/Point Stage/Pop Music stage @ 1pm)
(also featuring JC Cassis)

(next year we’ll be on bigger and better stages i tellya!)

arrived @ governor’s island by 11:30am and got to the “stage” (i was actually just playing in the middle of the park) by 1:30pm…i even brought my own extension cord…and in case of rain, i brought a tarp (luckily it didn’t end up raining that day)…

(check in @ figment headquarters building 110)

this is located just to the right when you get off the ferry from Manhattan. After you check in, make your way to the Picnic Point Stage/Point Stage/Pop Music Stage. It may be referred to as any one of those three names…

i used matty manning fender g-dec loop amp (and guitar chord)
(along with my own microphone + mic stand)

i wasn’t feeling particularly healthy that day…

i didn’t gain much from playing this gig…

(governor’s island NYC)
(june 7 – june 8)
(kirsten (aka “bulletproof”))
(“musical curator”)

matthew phillips
art and social designer
SMHeart Inc

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