“fivefivefive” (lyrics)

(fire fire…)
(five five…)

they fucked with you once…
they’ll fuck you again…
don’t you dare fucking listen to them…

(singer 1:)

dive dive dive…

(singer 2:)

dive dive dive…

(singer 3:)

he’ll never make it alive…

oh, my friend the pen
he was there for me when
i had neither a lover nor friend

(singer 1:)

green green green

(singer 2:)

green green green

(singer 3:)

she’ll understand what you mean…

went deep into zen
became my own friend
and i never was heard from again…

and something went wrong
and the pen died then
so long live my good friend the pen….

and the lesson i learned
don’t you ever trust them
and long live my good friend the pen

green green green
she’ll understand what you mean…

were you there when the wise men told me a story?
were you there when the wise men told me a story?

they claimed that an angel came down from the sky
well i tried to believe it, she couldn’t have dreamed of it…
the master has taken control of my home so i won’t even try…
cuz i can’t compete, i came from the street, i’m a working class guy…

there with the wise men
when they were filling my cup
they filled it right up
the spirit is willing and the body is strong
and i’m traveling up
but i had no way of knowing just what way i was going
so i’ll lie down instead
until you wake up the band
cuz there’s a song to be played
and it’s all in my head….

have you heard of a king and queen in a castle?
then they heard of a birth that created a hassle….
they told them a story…they told them a story…


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  1. fivefivefive | *JoGa Jungle*

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