“orange juice”


-as of [25 JULY 2024]







passionfruit / orange / guava

the game originated in hawaii and bottle-caps with this juice combo were used to play the game…

a fifth grade fad…

flat circular cardboard decorated discs

(and “slammer”)


game –>

smash slammer on stack of “pogs”
the pogs that land “face up” belong to the player





(sports drink developed in 1965 @ university of florida)

(manufactured by pepsico)

(designed to replace water / carbohydrates / electrolytes lost in sweat by athletes)





fruit punch gatorade



(owned by kraft foods)

grape kool-aid courtesy of james



ginger ale
splash of grenadine
garnished with maraschino cherry


i’m also gonna start buying capri sun and Hi-C again. just for the sugar high.

(and whatever juicy juice box drinks they make nowadays)


Juice is a drink made from the extraction or pressing of the natural liquid contained in fruit and vegetables.

It can also refer to liquids that are flavored with concentrate or other biological food sources, such as meat or seafood, such as clam juice.

Juice is commonly consumed as a beverage or used as an ingredient or flavoring in foods or other beverages, as for smoothies.

Juice emerged as a popular beverage choice after the development of pasteurization methods enabled its preservation without using fermentation (which is used in wine production).

(the largest fruit juice consumers are New Zealand (nearly a cup, or 8 ounces, each day) and Colombia (more than three quarters of a cup each day)


(‘fruit juice consumption’ on average increases with ‘country income level’)








👈👈👈☜*“FLUIDS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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