-as of [18 OCTOBER 2024]-
-the ‘observed gravitational attraction’ between ‘masses’ results from their warping of ‘space’ + ‘time’–
*theory of ‘gravitation’ by ‘albert einstein’*
*developed between ‘1907’ + ‘1915’*
*the theory predicts that ‘non-static stationary mass-energy distributions’ affect ‘space-time’ in a ‘peculiar way’, giving rise to a ‘phenomenon’ known as “frame-dragging”*
(in ‘1911’, he had calculated that – based on his new theory of ‘general relativity’ – ‘light’ from another ‘star’ would be bent by the sun’s ‘gravity’)
(the theory was confirmed by “frame-dragging tests”)
(showed the “lense-thirring effect” (consisting of ‘small secular pre-cessions’ of the ‘orbit’ of a ‘test particle’ in ‘motion’ around a ‘central rotating mass’ (like a ‘planet’ or ‘star’)))
(these tests were performed with the ‘LAGEOS satellites’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥